Recently watched movies


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Pacific Aim-enjoyed cuz i like giant robots,terrible acting and bad lines
The Grand master-enjoyed it for the Wing Chun,a little much on the drama


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
This Is The End - If you like Seth Rogan's films, you're gonna enjoy this one. I was rolling for most of it. XD The Jesus stuff was ridiculous :lmao:

Check it out!

holy shit, i loved this movie. The scene with Danny and James arguing about jizzin everywhere in the house was the best scene.
You could tell Seth Rogen was trying not to laugh as they shot that scene.
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Private First Class
|K3| Member
I felt like it was a tiny bit slap stick and childish humour, but hey... I liked the film.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Watched Heartless. Jim Sturgess was amazing in this horror movie. Film was pretty thought provoking and interesting.
I like how most UK films have unique story lines compared to most American movies nowadays.
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K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I think Movies/TV in the UK have a budget that's far less, so they have to actually put some thought into a movie. Studios here can afford to throw tons of cash at a certain # of productions and count on star power/CGI etc. to turn a giant profit at the end of the year. UK doesn't have nearly the amount of star power. Not even close. Can't really blame Hollywood. People seem to be content paying for :poop:.

I'm getting Pacific rim on blu ray this Tues. I hope anyway. My redbox promo code expires soon.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Yeah, that makes sense. I found that British films just talk more, and go into details more making the viewer think.
American movies are all about reaction with Hollywood special effects.


|K3| Member
saw that gravity movie in theatres, smoked a couple joints first of course, and was just too cooked, the movie was stressful as fuck, the people being lost in space made me think of being stuck in that theatre forever, and i started getting legitimately dizzy at parts hehe but laughed so hard at the end, if anyone has seen it or watches it the part with the lake weeds, ehehehehehahahaaaa just hilarious, priceless even, maybe because i was cooked but no i think it will be funny to anyone ahahahahahahaaaa just rich hehe


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
lol.. not what i was referring to. But i digress.

Did you see this in IMAX 3-d? This movie was pretty much made for IMAX and 3-d.


Private First Class
|K3| Member
I guess your pot is cheap then?

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Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Watched Grown Ups 2. There were a few laugh- out- loud moments but the plot was a bit scattered. You should watch it if you like Sandler humor but it was weak compared to the first movie.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Member
@Fools - reckon if its cheap its also likely to be crap! You dont get owt for nowt!

The trailers for Gavity look good

@Damage - I know plenty of Braindead Brits for whom thinking is a bridge too far!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
At least you made it through grown ups 2. I turned the first one off after 30 mins. Dreadful stuff.

I rented Oblivion in blu ray, wasn't too bad but not anything great or original, IMO. Nice visuals. Was hoping for Pacific rim but red box doesn't get it until Nov.

For those who liked Oblivion, check out the link. Many people Have said this movie is much better with a similar concept.
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Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Thanks Damage, I haven't seen Oblivion yet but Brian watched it and said it was pretty good, so now Moon is on my list to get next ;)

P.S. Got any other suggestions like these two movies, I'm really in to syfy movies too and also, have you seen Jack Reacher?, heard it was pretty good too and probably going to watch that one next weekend...
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K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I have Reacher, but I'm not going to watch it until i read book five, which probably won't be for a long while. I have TONS of books on my tablet, many different series and I'm hooked on the Game of thrones books right now, and most are over 1000 pages.

I would suggest going to see Gravity in IMAX. It's expensive, but literally every user review I've read has said it's mind blowing in 3-d as it was apparently specifically made for IMAX and 3-d. Plus the movie itself is supposed to be very good.

Other Sci fi type movies you might like -

District 9, Attack of the planet of the apes, Inception, Minority report, All Star wars movie (except episode I) , Looper , Prometheus, Serenity , Children of men, Original Total recall and Dredd ( the Judge Dredd remake.
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