ROTU upgraded to 2.2.1


Former Krew Member
I wouldn't mind zombie desert. I've also played Trap which was quite good fun. i forgot but i think Dock is quite fun too...not sure :p


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I wouldn't mind all the maps. Get on that please. THanks. But really, do it quickly.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member

Enjoy ;)


Anyone esle for zombie desert?

+1 on Zombie Desert!

I wouldn't mind all the maps. Get on that please. THanks. But really, do it quickly.

We're adding one map at a time to make sure they work and yadda yadda.

- - - Updated - - -

1st reported crash.

My game crashed 20 seconds after joining while it was on Moon.

Probably has nothing to do about the map but I just wanted to put it out there just in case. Bambi is on and he seems to be doing fine without crashing lol.

- - - Updated - - -

Tons of zombies are getting stuck and autokilled...


Former Krew Member
Nukesnow and springfield are both good maps. I do agree that the moon is perhaps a little large, but kind of fun for a different twist/new map.


Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
Recruitment Team
Played moon yesterday with one other player, only had about 3 zombies get stuck and autokilled during 15 waves from start to finish. Was slow paced with only two of us- I'd be interested in hearing what it's like with more players.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
Some useful stuff to know!

As far as I know the Prestige Emblems are the same as in RotU 2.1. The amount of Prestiges is still 45.


1-10 = COD 4 (Console)
11-20 = WaW
21-30 = MW2
31-45 = BO

At Prestige 1 you unlock:
All the rest of your Skillpoints
The Raygun (Available in the shop during waves 8-15) (The Raygun can be upgraded to The Flamethrower for 30,000, the Wunderwaffe for 40,000 and lastly the Minigun for 40,000)
The Minigun Turret

At Prestige 5 you unlock:
The Grenade Turret (Not sure what this is yet since nobody has reached Prestige 5 just yet. Soon I will though. I suppose it acts like a rifle-mounted Grenade Launcher (noobtube)

For every Prestige you get, you get 75 free points EVERY game. (This is only once per game. If you leave and rejoin you don't get any points.)
Since I am Prestige 4, I get 300 free points at the start of every game.
So when you reach Prestige 45.... 75x45 = 3,375 free points every game. That's a pretty nice headstart!

Holding the Gold Desert Eagle increases the power of your melee attack. (A LOT)

There's a glitch where some of the zombies are invisible. It's usually not a lot of them. (Once it was and we lost on Wave 14)

@Mel Yes it is very slow-paced with 2 players. Which is why it's not a very good map to run on our server at the moment due to lack of players. I've never liked Moon one bit. Zombies get stuck. It's slow. etc.

@WaLLy Moon is very glitchy and a lot of zombies get stuck and automatically killed. (The reason why Mel didn't experience this as much is because they only get stuck in the spawns where they come from underground)

Before anyone pours gasoline all over my face and starts a flame war I would like to state that this is MY opinion and my opinions only. I'm entitled to my opinion as well as anyone else. I vote for removing Moon from the rotation.

Also I'd like to see Nuke Snow being added. Great map. Fast-paced even with fewer players.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Some useful stuff to know!
There's a glitch where some of the zombies are invisible. It's usually not a lot of them. (Once it was and we lost on Wave 14)

Guess whos fault it was because he didnt want to revive anyone else?


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
The server is climbing the GameTracker rankings every day!


- - - Updated - - -

Are we getting a new map today WaLLy? :hf:

BTW We're #7 out of 17 servers currently running ROTU 2.2.1


Former Krew Member
We're doing great with the server! I like the server a lot and I'm sure the rest of you do :)


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
884th. Making us the #6 ROTU 2.2.1 server
Higher ranked servers bring in more new players.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Sorry about not getting a new map today. Was working on my godson's PC. Darn you Windows updates!! :tf:


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Sorry for the delay; been a busy day at work.

I've now added mp_surv_zombiedesert


Our current server map lineup:

Can someone verify zombiedesert works?


Former Krew Member
I don't know about anyone but you could try Trap? I've played it before and it's pretty cool. A simple small map


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
Nuke Snow!

I played Trap on =BRO= Rotu 2.1. With their config (Pretty much, 20 zombies spawn in if you're alone.) It was the hardest map ever lol. And they used to have 10+ players in at the same time. That little tiny room was crowded.
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