ROTU upgraded to 2.2.1


|KKK|'s Storyteller
Former Krew Member
Lol Wally, thanks for making more zombies spawn. XD This is what it should be! :happy:


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
:thanks: a lot to Gradalis and Wally! <3

- - - Updated - - -



|KKK|'s Storyteller
Former Krew Member
T_T Why did you screenshot when I came in super late and kept getting downed!? Now I look bad. :c


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
I obviously took that screenshot cuz I had almost 700K points! lol

@WaLLy. This wasn't really as crazy as it seemed, later on I realized that the amount of zombies per player increased from 2 to 3. Also the waves are huge, with a high amount of players it might crash the server so making the waves a tad bit smaller would be good. Could we increase the dificulty setting to 4 and try it out? :)


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
set game_difficulty 2 // 1 easy - 4 hardest
set zom_dynamicdifficulty 3 // Difficulty depends on amount of players

set game_difficulty 3 // 1 easy - 4 hardest
set zom_dynamicdifficulty 4 // Difficulty depends on amount of players

Server has been restarted to take into account the new difficulty.

And you should pick a wave system:
/// surv_wavesystem 0///     A linear function of the number of players in the game:
///     zombiesInWave = surv_zombies_perplayer * numberOfPlayersInGame + surv_zombies_initial
///     z = a*p + b
///     Need to set: surv_zombies_perplayer, surv_zombies_initial
/// surv_wavesystem 1
///     A linear function of the wave number:
///     zombiesInWave = surv_zombies_perwave * waveNumber + surv_zombies_initial
///     z = c*w + b
///     Need to set: surv_zombies_perwave, surv_zombies_initial
/// surv_wavesystem 2
///     A composition of a linear function of the wave number and a linear function of the number of players in the game:
///     zombiesInWave = (waveNumber * surv_zombies_perwave + surv_zombies_perplayer) * numberOfPlayersInGame + surv_zombies_initial
///     z = (w*c+a)*p + b
///     Need to set: surv_zombies_perplayer, surv_zombies_perwave, surv_zombies_initial
/// surv_wavesystem 3
///     A linear combination of a function of the wave number and a function of the number of players in the game:
///     zombiesInWave = (surv_zombies_perwave * waveNumber) + (surv_zombies_perplayer * numberOfPlayersInGame) + surv_zombies_initial
///     z = (c*w) + (a*p) + b
///     Need to set: surv_zombies_perplayer, surv_zombies_perwave, surv_zombies_initial

Prior to yesterday's change it was set to 0. It's currently at 2. Let me know if you want to change that as well.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
I think its smarter to set it at 0 for now. Since we ended up having huge waves and it took 2–3 hours to finish a map.


|KKK|'s Storyteller
Former Krew Member
I suppose I agree, but you gotta admit that it was hella fun. :3


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
The difficulty settings are just perfect!

If anyone sees the download loop occur again, please report it in this thread. Thank you.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
The difficulty settings are just perfect!

If anyone sees the download loop occur again, please report it in this thread. Thank you.

I can also set the server to restart every 6 or 12 hours to help alleviate. It's currently setup to restart at 3am Eastern. However, if you guys want it to restart at 6, or 12, it'll restart even if players are in the server. So just an FYI.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
I think we should try to work it out. I think that the download loop depends on the maps.

So I suggest we remove all the maps we added (When we added 5 at a time) But keep 1 of them

Nuke Snow
Forest War

For now I think we should keep Pyramids. Anyone else have any opinions on this?

- - - Updated - - -

We should start adding them 1 at a time again, just the way we started. We didn't get the download loop even once before we added all those maps.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
OK. So just to confirm, remove the new ones added and but keep pyramides right?


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
Yes sir.

We'll play tomorrow or maybe for 2 days just to see if it fixed the download loop. Then we start adding the maps again and when we start getting problems, we remove the map that we added last and put it on our own little blacklist :p


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
No worries.

Did you want me to increase the bot amount? Currently it's 40 with 24 public spots. Can probably do 50 bots since don't think we've reached 10+ players yet.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
We've actually been up at 12-13 players. I don't think raising the bot count to 50 would be a very good idea. Altough 45 wouldn't be that bad. We would still have 19 player slots.

To be honest, 24 players slots are way too many. Hard to enjoy the game when there's 24 people on. Especially since we're mostly running small to medium maps.


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
We'll add it back Link :p Hopefully we'll get to keep it too. I really like it as well.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Server restarted:

Current lineup:
map mp_fnrp_piramides
map mp_surv_zombiedesert
map mp_surv_new_moon_lg
map mp_fnrp_2013
map mp_fnrp_beach
map mp_fnrp_cemetery
map mp_fnrp_movies

Raised the bot count to 45
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