Corrupt A Wish


Former Krew Member
Granted, but the new 25 hour days go by in 10 second.

I wish I had an ICEE right now.

Off topic: In a way, I was a bit serious about bombing Iran. They control the U.S., threaten to cut of oil production, and they have a very extremist leader. Back in the day, a parody of the Beach Boy's "Barbara Ann" went "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb Iran :K
I may sound ignorant...but the world would be a better place without Iran.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Granted! But it mealts.

I wish I could find a way to raise the $2,300 to do the 3Day 60 mile breast cancer walk this september.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, but the day of the walk they up the fee another 2,300$ and you're dragged out in disgrace.

I wish i had a giant malt milkshake. And i mean Giant.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Granted but it's Boo's and she charges you $2,300

I wish i could've been in New York for a very special birth


Granted, but as you are holding the baby it wees, poops, and vomits all over you. And the airline lost all your luggage.

I wish I had a decent copy of Cowboys vs Aliens to watch tonight..

PS - why not just bomb Iran with Neutron Bombs then steal all their oil?


Former Krew Member
Granted, but it is a decent copy of a boot leg version where Harrison Ford is played by Cuba Gooding Jr.

I wish school lunches where a lot better than they are now.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
done: school lunches are now wonderful beyond words (you just cant afford them)

i wish nintendo could stop making new pokemon, or at least change Ash's voice actor.


|K3| Member
Granted, but you have to stop getting wasted every night.

I wish I didn't feel useless all the fricken time!!!!!!! grrr.


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, but people incessantly nag you for your help.

I wish it would stop snowing.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, but its all 10 day old tofu that's been sitting in the sun.

I wish for more wishes.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Granted under the stipulation that you eat ten day old Tofu

I wish I could be,under a tree ,in the Octopus' garden in the shade


Granted, but they keep playing the same Beatles song over and over and over. And over. Then you go insane.

I wish the Thai takeaway shop was open on public holidays


Former Krew Member
Granted, the store is open, but the door is locked and no one will let you in.

I wish I could have a wonderful lunch 2 times a day.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Granted but then the AC kicks on at full power and turns your study into a meat locker.

I wish I wouldn't go to sleep so late


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted but you just sleep all day and turn into a couch potato.

I wish I had a husky.


Former Krew Member
Granted, but it's a dead one.

I wish I could find a kick ass graphics card for my computer.
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