Corrupt A Wish


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
granted but you sleep walk, highjack a bus, and ride down a cliff.

i wish trag would admit defeat already and give me the 10$ he owes me........:nyancat: :troll:


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
granted but its ripped up to a million peices and unusable

i wish i was short....and btw cent0 i saw oen of ur old posts KESSA IS NOTHING LIKE ME!!
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|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
*poof* poodle turns into an ant.

i wish i could go in and out of computers whenever i please :happy:


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Granted, you have to sing the paper instead.

I wish i knew what religion to study for my project

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, you have to study devil worship and become a pawn of satan

I wish i didnt have this headache


Former Krew Member
Granted, Your head explodes, so now you no longer have a headache.

I wish there was an escalator for every hill I have to run up.


Epic Poodle
Former Krew Member
Granted, but it's a down escalator.
I wish that the internet in this cabin I'm staying in was faster :/


Former Krew Member
Granted, but it is faster at being slow.

I wish for unlimited hot wings, just the way I like them.


Staff Sergeant
granted! but before i continue, wow this thread is still alive and mighty. Ok on topic,
But all the birds die.

I wish I had Unifi.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Corrupt a wish never gets old

Granted but it turns into a black hole and engulfs you.

I wish I had a light saber and the power of the 'Force'


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Granted, but when you use it you disappear into nothingness..

I wish every single channel in the world was HD :D


Granted, but you only have an old CRT low res TV to watch them on.

I wish is was "Females Go To Work Nude day" today


Former Krew Member
Granted, but just because the day is designated for them doesn't mean they show up. They all get sick and stay home, which is still a win in a way.

I wish my school assignments did themselves for me and got A's.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
granted they ''did'' themselves and repopulated then eventually take over the world.

i wish i owned the triforce and could control it..... and Ganon was my slave :D


Former Krew Member
Granted, but you marry Zelda, and have a boy, who turns evil after being manipulated by Ganon. He eventually steals the triforce, becoming ruler of Koriki Forest, and burning the rest of Hyrule Field.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
granted but one of the kkk members get pissed about it and kills you

i wish i didnt need any sleep
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