Corrupt A Wish


Former Krew Member
Granted, but you shuffle right off the face out the Earth.

I wish my computer was 10x better and could run Battlefield 3.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Granted but when you try to run it, it smokes, burns up and melts to the ground.

I wish Charlize Theron was my wife


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, but she had a sex change operation without your knowledge before marrying you.

I wish i had 1000 more wishes.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
granted, however in your first battle u trip and fall and are humiliated in fron of everyone. :D

I wish I was an admin to kill this thread ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
That corruption made no sense in relation to my wish..

Granted, but to become admin you must start and post in 1000 more threads with a 1000 diff forum games.

I wish people weren't such BS posers.


Former Krew Member
Granted, all the posers in the world come out of the closet as gay, and swarm you.

I wish I could shuffle!


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
just for the record, that post I did was supposed to be an aswer to kessa. For some reason it lagged 5 hours behind... :S. Just delete both that post and this 1 please.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
i wish i could shuffle like a boss ^^

ethan learns how to shuffle so pro like, that the goverment decides he shouldnt be able to show the public his skills anymore. eventually they assasinate you :shooting:

i wish ppl wouldnt copy mah wishes <.<


Former Krew Member
Granted, so no body else every listens to you again, or agrees with you for that matter.

I wish we sweated hand sanitizer.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Granted, but you get alcohol poisoning from food you ate with your hands.

I wish men didn't have finger or toe nails, they're pretty useless and mostly are just annoying.


Former Krew Member
@Master Granted, but gems just get inside our fingers and kill us with ease lol. @H1P Granted, you live forever in a coma. I wish I could party with friends everytime a big football game comes on.


Granted, but ur friends are zombies and hated football and eat ur brains out!

I wish that i could think of a wish ;)


Former Krew Member
Granted. You wish that you win a million dollars, but it ends up it was stolen, and you get life in prison.

I wish my life was a fantasy game!


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Granted! But now you can't move anything from it's place.

I wish my 5k would be sooner.


Granted, your 5k is tomorrow, but you are so unprepared, you come in last.

I wish for it not to rain on my ride home


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Granted, instead it hails!

I wish I had my motorcycle, in perfect condition, and i could ride it whenever I want.


hehe, nice

Granted! But your knees are in such bad shape from the 5k, that you cant ride.

I wish to get molested by some hot chick in the locker room on my way out of work.
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