The Heli Issue Redeux

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
So helis have less health than normal.

Why don't we just make the server hardcore?????


|KKK|´s Dumbass
|K3| Member
well, since the thread was about reducing the helicopter health this is probably not going to be very popular here.

but here is my opinion:
i joked about a badass heli earlier, but playing with these new setting for a while and not having witnessed a single helikill, i think the helis got kinda lame.
so now im siriously suggesting a badass heli.
why? because you deserve it.
and because helis are badass, both the apache and especially the hind are completly bulletproof. now, i dont give a rats ass about realism in a game, but 1 ak clip, cmon. where is the challenge? i play games because i want a challenge. and a heli should be on some fucking dome 3 like endboss shit challange level!
and already now i miss the days of hunting helis with the rpg, even if i didnt do that all to often.

i dont even bother to call them in anymore. so this is how my ultimate heli would be like:

high accuracy
long spawnprotection
no wallhack
shitload of ammo
an assload off accurate missiles
and about 3 times the normal health, sth. between 4000 and 5000. !!!or lets go completly fucking armageddon, like 10000 :fy: !!!

to counter it a bit, would it be possible to give people 10k for shooting it down?

i know many here are going to be turned off by this idea, but think about it, ones u get your killstreak, u are rewarded. and it makes the entire game a bit more unforgiving, wich is fun in my opinion and has kinda been a trademark of our servers.
besides think off all the things people make you rage with:
-lmg corner camping
-last stand

lets piss back a bit with some bad ass helis:D

i double dat^^


|K3| Moderator
Onlywant weak helis due to the awful targetting. I dont like getting shot if im near an opening simply because im doing well. Meanwhile marty claymore p90 guy is fine running around outside in front of it.


|K3| Member
Try again today, seeing as the settings were changed, per the post yesterday, before they were changed and the server restarted.

If it's not good, let's change the settings again, if WaLLy is okay with that

No need to panic.[DOUBLEPOST=1391788377][/DOUBLEPOST]set scr_heli_maxhealth "800" <-------------- This was a little too low at 650, in my opinion. Others seem to think it was too low, too. Keep in mind that anyone trying to take down a helicopter is basically pausing their game. This means they aren't getting kills, and they are shooting at a helicopter, drawing attention from anyone who knows the map. It's a death wish to shoot down a heli, which is why no one does it. It should be a challenge, but do-able while still being able to win. 800 is still a 500 point decrease from default 1300.

While it is quite easy to take down with an AK47 right now, think about the shotgun, SMG, and sniper users. Sniper and Shotgun are already at a pretty big disadvantage against ak47 (and most other guns).

set scr_heli_target_spawnprotection "7" <---- let's give people more time after they spawn. Default 5. WAS 10

set scr_heli_target_recognition "0.4" <------- 40% of the target must be visible to engage it. Tired of helicopters "wallhacking" you? This is how to fix it. WAS 0.5

I also don't see the heli shooting anyone. The above 2 settings may have been a little overkill. I don't like the heli shooting me through walls, either, but it's not shooting anyone right now.

What do you guys think about these changes? Also, what changes could be made to make the helicopter shoot more missiles? Do you think the target recognition change will affect that a lot?

I believe the "missile cone" setting refers to the size of the hit radius on the missile, or in other words, how big of a shell gets shot. If I am correct, this would mean we could change the cone to be larger so it would hit people more often, and possibly hit multiple people.[DOUBLEPOST=1391922797,1391697335][/DOUBLEPOST]Bumpity bump.

I know wally was out with a ghey appendix
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The Stig
|K3| Member
This just my $0.02, but I got a heli once today
(Yeah it's a surprisingly surprising :lmao:)
But got 2 kills
Pretty satisfied if I say so myself.


|K3| Member
I was killed by it several times today.
And I saw a lot more getting killed by it.

But only from Snail.

no other players got heli kills that I remember, when I was playing[DOUBLEPOST=1392005671][/DOUBLEPOST]Saw again in this game, 2 in first place outscoring the others by FAR.

Called in helis, each time gettings kills. At least 2 within the time the helis were up. Heli was shot down only once, by me, after it already got 2 kills.

Shot down people with very low scores, even.

Heli health could be increase by 100.
Heli still not shooting crazy missiles :(

everything else seems perfect imo.
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