Arguments for and against Marty and Last Stand


LOL @ Socrates. I will also get killed numerous times trying to make a beeline for some camped camper. But tossing a stun into the hall way and SHHhhTABBING!! Camper is well worth it.


Former Krew Member
I use marty because there are a lots of campers. This is the best weapon against them.
As someone said before every perk is allowed so it's up to you what u choose.


Twat Hammer
Both are annoying.. Martydom is annoying when the server has 20+ people and u run into a room where someone died and BOOM, you're dead.. Last stand is really annoying when you are sniping and they drop and someone steals your kill... I think both just show how weak of a player is who relies on these.... OH and martydom isn't the best weapon against campers.. Deep impact is the best against campers... they dont even get to see you... spam their spots.. you dont get killed as well :p


Private First Class
I have never used either- and they are both annoying to get killed by. However i find marty quite cheap - no skill involved, just a dropped grenade. It almost awards you for dying. Last stand annoys me ALOT becuz i never expect it. It is not so much cheap , instead it just outsmarts me i guess. I wouldn't mind the perk if the person in last stand died after like 10 seconds, but i hate it when you shoot some one , and then they go to last stand and kill you, and you don't get the kill.


|K3| Member
I have never used either- and they are both annoying to get killed by. However i find marty quite cheap - no skill involved, just a dropped grenade. It almost awards you for dying. Last stand annoys me ALOT becuz i never expect it. It is not so much cheap , instead it just outsmarts me i guess. I wouldn't mind the perk if the person in last stand died after like 10 seconds, but i hate it when you shoot some one , and then they go to last stand and kill you, and you don't get the kill.

If you're facing someone when you have last stand and you get pwnd, and you click like crazy, surprise, when you have invincibility frames, youll take out teh guy in front of you. Why? Because he CAN"T kill you. That's unfair. Marty can be dodged unless you're in a hectic FFA.
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