Arguments for and against Marty and Last Stand


Private First Class
It's built into the game and they both could be accomplished in real life....So i have no prob with them ! I use LS sometimes never tried MD.


Read my post on page 1 The Moment.

On another point, when someone gets a GSW (Gun Shot Wound), they don't just suddenly die. Sometimes they do, but it has to be from a decent weapon, and hit something critical, like your head, or your heart. Even a few good chest hits wont kill someone straight away. Plenty of time to pull the pin on a nade.

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
The thing is you would have to realize that you have been show, grope around your belt to find the nade and then pull the pin all while hoping that it wont explode and kill you.


Marty sucks all around. No skill, and yeah its good for campers but what about all the times when the campers far away or you get pwned by somebody. Then its Bs to walk in a room and die.

LS-pwns =) free headshots, great for anything, and i ocasionally use it. only annoying when when some one else steals the kill-they should only get an assist

Juggernaut- meh they all die the same in hc there isnt much a difference


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
does it really mnatter if its realalistic or not?
part of the game, i have no use for it though.
i consider it too cheap for my play-stlye.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
screw p90.
p90 feels like a LMG to me. LOOL
im fine with the m16 and ak.(both aks)

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
The Ak-74u is only good when you got a silencer on it. If you don't, its got too much kick.


Nothing wrong with QSing.

Although I have been using the M14 with Stopping Power and Deep Impact. Better than a sniper. One shot one kill. No scope sway.


Flying Dutchman
|K3| Member
I agree with 517H, every thing in the game is realistic, quick scoping? come on...
There are so many things that you can do in CoD and can't do in real life. Would you like playing CoD, sniping laid down on the ground for hours waiting till some strange looking guy acts like a terrorist? The game is made not realistic for more fun.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
yeah but you have marty so chances are your marty will kill him LOL :p


Hey, that's what's good about KKK servers, all perks allowed.

I tend to use Marty, coz it's great way to take out campers. I don't tend to use LS coz I like to get back into it straight away.

I get way more kills from Marty than I get killed from Marty. How? Easy. Every time I get a kill I reverse direction, if you have your sound turned up you can generally hear the nade drop anyway.

I don't really frown on either. LS is great for challenges, or headshots too. Some dude is lying there and you can finish them off with a nade (direct hit) or a HS.

I agree with you here 100%.

I used LS for a while and it was great to rack up 3 or 4 kills before respawning, but eventually, like you, I just wanted to get back in the action. As for Marty, I don't like it personally but it makes the game interesting. Admittedly i angered me the first few times I mowed someone down in haste and ran right over his corpse only to die to his stupid grenade but, it only took a few more times before I learned to step lively around fresh kills. In the end, all the perks are just that, perks, some work better for different styles of play and I welcome all of them...Campers on the other hand, especially Spawncampers get to me. I'll take death after death to get back to a spot I know someone likes to camp in just to screw with them.
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