Arguments for and against Marty and Last Stand


Private First Class
I think that any perk or any weapon that Infinity Ward has put out there is OK, period. But on the other hand who ever owns the server you are playing on for free, has the absolute right to change the rules in any way fashion they choose.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I think that any perk or any weapon that Infinity Ward has put out there is OK, period. But on the other hand who ever owns the server you are playing on for free, has the absolute right to change the rules in any way fashion they choose.

I agree, hence why I never liked to have a lot of rules on our servers. Some things can be annoying at times but I live with 'em. :)


|K3| Member
Yea, i totally agree with our server rules. That doesn't mean that the people who use those perks shouldn't have to face the fact that they provide ample oppurtunity for some very cheap kills. People who use last stand have to get killed twice essentially. You have to WAIT for them to go into last stand to kill them. That's cheap. I tried using ls once or twice, and i will admit it's not THAT easy. That doesn't mean you're not getting cheap kills if you're good with it. Marty is obviously for those people who want kills more than they want to play, because you really aren't doing anything yourself to get those marty kills, except dying, and someone else did that for you. If you can win a game getting marty kills after you've strategically killed yourself, then i will stand corrected. It works, but it is still kinda lame.

I of course do not bitch at people about these perks that often because i don't find them that annoying really. If i get killed by marty in a 1v1 or 2v2 match, it's my fault. Marty also does a good job of pwning campers and dumbasses who don't move when they hear it. You can also pck up someone's marty nade and toss it for a quick kill.

In 1v1, you can kill someone who is in last stand with just about anything. If i don't want to risk trying to shoot the guy again, or I am out of ammo, I'll throw a stun nade near them. These perks can be very annoying and cheap, but they are part of the game and can be dealt with.

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
I don't particularly hate marty; gets annoying from time to time, especially when I'm on a killstreak. Last Stand is the same. I don't like Last Stand while I'm using an SMG because it just takes that many more bullets to kill a person. I don't get angry/rage quit when I get killed by marty/ Last Stand, but I don't really enjoy using them.


holy shizit. I forgot I started this post AND it's still being commented on, lOL.

PS Marty is still weak!

Post Merge: [time]1283474781[/time]

i am Marty Free now.
i too feel that marty is a cheap way to kill someone.
but wait, Pwnsauce, Aren't you the Martydom NoOB of the krew?

Cento, you say some dumbass, pointless, misspelled shit that rarely makes sense.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Hahaha Cent was


|K3| Member
holy shizit. I forgot I started this post AND it's still being commented on, lOL.

PS Marty is still weak!

Post Merge: [time]1283474781[/time]

Cento, you say some dumbass, pointless, misspelled shit that rarely makes sense.

hahahhaa OUCH dude


well i think we shud be able to keep both of these perks as the first post said, just avoid

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
I seriously HATE Marty. It's a serious cop out. It's good to take our those n00bish campers, but its espically annoying when your on a killstreak then BAM! You get killed by a Marty nade. It's also un-tatical, When has it ever been used in the war? Like seriously.

I Dont dislike Last Stand, Its fun to Pizz some people off when your down and pop some bullets in them. But I hate it when you put someone in last stand, then someone steals your kill.


Epic Poodle
Former Krew Member
My arguments

Last Stand: Realistic. It's not like you get back up, you are most definitely bleeding out and dying.
And it requires skill and accuracy too.

Marty: Simple as this, you are horrible so you magically acquire the ability to shit out a live grenade upon death.


|K3| Member
last stand is not realistic. Getting shot 3 times and then whipping out your pistol with super accuracy, firing a clips, then reloading? Come on.


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
lol dude you have a poiunt... but when do you drop a live grenade after being killed?


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
My arguments

Last Stand: Realistic. It's not like you get back up, you are most definitely bleeding out and dying.
And it requires skill and accuracy too.

Marty: Simple as this, you are horrible so you magically acquire the ability to shit out a live grenade upon death.
LOl not to mention after the inevitable bullet spam from last comes some other douchebag that pretty much steals ur kill.


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
There aint any perks that are realistic except maybe that one where you can carry 2 primaries. Soldiers dont normally run around shooting everyone either and when a soldier dies he is dead, not respawned. Soldiers camp or they die. They maneuver or they die. They cant even bunnyhop in real life. Try gearing up in a soldiers gear sometime and then take a sprint up and down a dirt road a few times . That "OMFG I'm gonna have a heart attack" feeling is what your gonna experience at the end, not "Whip out my LMG and start blasting".

My point? It's a game kids. Its meant to look realistic in some ways but at the end of the days you're NOT a marine or terrorist, you sure as hell aint no sniper, and you still don't know what it feels like to shit a grenade out of your ass after you're killed (lol).


lol dude you have a poiunt... but when do you drop a live grenade after being killed?
Well, the japs used to "mine" bodies with nades in WW2. That one of the reasons soldiers (even as recently as 10 years ago, when I was in) carried "toggle ropes". To roll over supposed dead bodies from a safe distance.
Last stand is still a real life possibility, just not the spinning around and reloading bit.


|K3| Member
3 bullets in the chest from any of the guns in this game would make it impossible to aim anywhere near as well as you can in last stand. Unloading a full desert eagle clip as well? Do you think you could do that right now if you lay down? Just lay down and fire a whole deagle clip with little or no aiming difficulties? How bout if i shoot the guy in the chest with a barret, how likely is it that the guy is just gonna sit there for 15 seconds firing the weapon.

I can see it as a possibility, but maybe they should have incorporated other elements into last stand. Maybe where you get hit, what you get hit with, how many times you are hit before ls kicks in, maybe even just like having 1/3 times actually go into last stand.

If you can do what is possible in last stand in this game, you can certainly pull the pin off a grenade before you die.


Johnny, if nobody is there to shoot with LS then there would be nobody there to have kiilled you or anybody you could kill with marty anyhow.

At least with LS, you have 10 (?) seconds to nail someone and you can kill someone with 1 desert eagle shot from really far away.

I don't use LS for 1v1 or 2v2 though. That Perk is better used for something like dead silence or juggernaut.

Also Johnny, you don't have to wait to die. You can hold the F key to die right away.

marty is fine but LS is a waste of time. if there is no one to shoot then u just sit there and wait to die. it just doesnt seem that effective to me. i would rather respawn and hunt some ppl down.


i ever play with ,marty but i hate last stand
player should use marty and dont use last stand ... u shoot him, think he is dead but he sit only on the floor that sucks >.< and then some1 else kill him
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