Yea, i totally agree with our server rules. That doesn't mean that the people who use those perks shouldn't have to face the fact that they provide ample oppurtunity for some very cheap kills. People who use last stand have to get killed twice essentially. You have to WAIT for them to go into last stand to kill them. That's cheap. I tried using ls once or twice, and i will admit it's not THAT easy. That doesn't mean you're not getting cheap kills if you're good with it. Marty is obviously for those people who want kills more than they want to play, because you really aren't doing anything yourself to get those marty kills, except dying, and someone else did that for you. If you can win a game getting marty kills after you've strategically killed yourself, then i will stand corrected. It works, but it is still kinda lame.
I of course do not bitch at people about these perks that often because i don't find them that annoying really. If i get killed by marty in a 1v1 or 2v2 match, it's my fault. Marty also does a good job of pwning campers and dumbasses who don't move when they hear it. You can also pck up someone's marty nade and toss it for a quick kill.
In 1v1, you can kill someone who is in last stand with just about anything. If i don't want to risk trying to shoot the guy again, or I am out of ammo, I'll throw a stun nade near them. These perks can be very annoying and cheap, but they are part of the game and can be dealt with.