I was raised Lutheran until I was 18. I studied in Bible school and confirmation class.
However, most people don't actually read the Bible. And most kind of regurgitate what they hear from others. And there are people in the Vatican whose job specifically entails bible study with the intent of basically deciding what Christians believe. For instance, the debate on Free Will, and how an omnipotent God could create beings that had the will to reject Him. Also, more recently (2009) some debates on Limbo.
I think we agree that people shouldn't follow the word of their pastors in all cases. That's pretty much what I was saying, anyway. My point was also one that you implied, which was that there is this Word of God, but then there are 20 different people telling you 20 differnt Word of God's, and people just kind of walk into one of those, and follow it til they die. They swear by those beliefs and teachings, and in history have killed and died for them. But it's just some other dude interpreting the Bible.
The Bible's underlying themes are many. However, as humans and learned beings, we can take from the Bible the most important teachings. All of those relate to compassion, understanding, acceptance, compromise, humility.... etc. Basically, in many ways, the Bible is just a really lengthy story talking about the best qualities every one of us can hope to make creed for ourselves. In order to do so, much like with other religions, like Buddhism, we need to realize that we are flawed, ignorant beings from the start. The problem is that a lot of these extremists bypass that recognition and go straight to narcissism, ignorance, and hatred.
So yes, I agree with you and have always agreed with you that the Bible, at its best, is a great teaching tool for morality and the best ideals of humankind. However, that's just too hard for lowlives like the Westboro Baptist Church to do. They are just scared sheep fucking everyone they come into contact with over.
And I agree. If Christians embraced the teachings of Jesus Christ in their whole, they wouldn't have a problem with gay marriage at all. In fact, they would support it.
Anyway, just keep doing what you're doing, Moment. You're a good Christian. You embody what I really like about christianity. Pretty much why I think it should be taught everywhere (along with its HUGE historical significance). So just keep it up, talk your friends into thinking like you. All dat shit.