Corrupt A Wish


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Granted, but cento is smart and knows the future, and tells you that you failed. I wish I had a better phone


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Granted, but you ended up with a 'droid phone and you end up regreting it for the rest of your life.

I wish MW3 comes with REAL dedicated servers.


Former Krew Member
Granted but they cost 10x as much as the cod4 servers to host

I wish my mom didnt make me set up a garage sale for this weekend

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Granted, but you end up running out of money and having to scrounge for your food.

I wish that G4TV would show the entire first level of MW3


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Granted, but the level is horrible as shoit

I wish the grad dance was at 4, and grad ceremony at 8.


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Granted. But no one wants to dance with you.

I wish I hadn't learn to swear. I swear to much now.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Granted, but instead, you say the word POOP, and annoy everyone around you to the point they suicide.

I wish the dance was longer.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Granted! However u fall at the begining and everyone laughs at you so u ran away crying.

I wish electro dance was more popular


Flying Dutchman
|K3| Member
Granted, If it was popular it wasn't "your thing" anymore.

I wish I didn't had such a big penis.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Granted! But no girls will have s*x with you anymore. I wish I was cool as joe


|KKK| Member and Official post whore
Former Krew Member
granted, but you failed all other grades

I wish that I was lvl 55 on cod4.


Former Krew Member
Granted, but you used a hack to get there and your banned from every pb server

I wish there was an internet connection EVERYWHERE I go


Former Krew Member
Granted but now your post is just spam...

I wish it smelled like fabreeze everywhere


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Grranted, but the febreeze smells like poop. I wish my friends and I hadn't gotten caught trying to sneak into Hangover2 by ourselves in the movies


Former Krew Member
Granted, but a terrorist was watching the movie the same time you were and blew himself up

I wish crypt could read better
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