

Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive



Private First Class
lmao I could make some comments about obama but I think I will keep them to myself. I wouldnt want to be considered a racist.

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Well Obama has definitely made mistakes, but I don't think that he blows. He, just like Bush, has made his share of mistakes, but I think that, since I am a Republican, he is worse than Bush.


|K3| Member
Well Obama has definitely made mistakes, but I don't think that he blows. He, just like Bush, has made his share of mistakes, but I think that, since I am a Republican, he is worse than Bush.


TheMoment - I am a republican, therefore obama is worse than bush.

Presidents should get torn apart for their mistakes. They are the fkin president.



Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Obama is definitely worse than Bush ever was. How many times did you see Bush try to force Americans to take health care, jam down the financial bill, trying to now push though cap and trade along with net neutrality (which by the way gives Obama the power to regulate and shut down any website he wants)

This current president has progressively and fundamentally trying to change our country in to something it's not. We are now recognized as one of the worlds worst police states. There are now foreign diplomats that will not even visit American because they had to go through the TSA BS in the airport and found it very offensive, which it is. Anyways I'm ranting now and go to get to work lol, as with the others just wanted to say my opinions. :D


|K3| Member
bush lied to the american people on multiple occasion. He got us into a war too fast and now were getting raped by it on multiple levels. Bush pushed the patriot act through congress. Bush gave himself more power than obama ever had on the basis of emergency situation. While i disagree with what obama may be doing, what he is doing does not change at all the fact that bush was a shitty president.


Former Krew Member
you wouldent want my opinion on this lol lets just say if I was in youre shoes I would prob move to a new country haha


Private First Class
As all promises do they go out the window as soon as they take office. They have no intention of keeping any of them. They just want in office so they can do what they want to. Bush wanted into war so his and his daddy's oil fields would get more cash cause they would have to sell there items. Due to the high prices Iraq is charging. ( Hint we took over Iraq. Had our hands on their fields. We could have sold the shit for .10 cent a gallon. ) But the gas prices still went up. As I see it Obama is doing nothing to protect this country. Whoop dee frikin who he put some new equipment in the airport that even make americans say "what the hell". Obama is forcing bs health care on Americans cause he wants to be like Canada. And pretty much anything that has to do with covering any major issue he just throws his hands up like a gangster and say's " Aww hell naw " and walks away. Obama sucks ass. And america screwed up when they let him in.

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Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
For one, I never said that Bush wasn't a shitty president, he was bad also I'm just saying that Obama IMO is much worse. I also agree with King that they all do the same thing, they say what you want to hear then after their elected they do what they want, simple as that. And about what stevo said, moving to another country, if world government does happen it won't matter where you go, this shittyness we have now in our country will be everywhere, and you won't be able to get away from it.

Dude you said that Bush gave himself more power for "emergency" situations than Obama has, but who really has more power now? If you think about it, cramming down healthcare (which is 1/6 of our economy), financial reform, this new anonymous bill that nobody knows whats in it, trying for cap and trade and net neutrality... Can you seriously tell me that Bush had more power than that? Not only that but he can sign an executive order at any time to give himself the power at will, all he needs is a crysis situation to do it (and believe me, our Gov will certainly set one up if they need to).

Obama is just a puppet in this huge global scheme to take control of the world, that's what world government is about. The REAL people that's in power are the major banks of the world, the ones that are the multi-billionaires (yes that includes Bill Gates to) that want to destroy everything that has to do with individual freedoms. If you don't believe me on this stuff do your own research, it tells you EVERYWHERE and is right in front of your face!

Anyways, I have much more to say of course but I don't have time for it now, I gotta head back to work, lol. :D


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
bush lied to the american people on multiple occasion. He got us into a war too fast and now were getting raped by it on multiple levels. Bush pushed the patriot act through congress. Bush gave himself more power than obama ever had on the basis of emergency situation. While i disagree with what obama may be doing, what he is doing does not change at all the fact that bush was a shitty president.

I don't know about anyone else, but for one I don't think you should be calling Moment a dumbass cause to him and me also the quote you said above pretty much says that you are comparing him to Obama, or other presidents we have had, no fair to me to call him dumbass for that in fact it seems that Moment knows more than a lot of Americans out there, so I commend him for it!
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