Hey Wally, I tried to minimize WAW to task bar so I could do other things and populate the server but it would freeze up when I tried to re-open it.
Hey Wally, I tried to minimize WAW to task bar so I could do other things and populate the server but it would freeze up when I tried to re-open it.
I need help finding how to make it cracked. I've looked but no dice.
This is one game you guys NEED to play! It's refreshing to play with regular joe's. Peeps don't care what place you rank. The game is quite fun, even with just 6 of us! The guns are interesting to say the least. Can't wait 'til I can get the flamethrower, bouncing Betty and the revolver. I rage a little when I die after a 6 kill streak; no dogs
I think I found a WaW server crack and am about to test it.
Oh, bummer... crack works though
Link, pl0x?
i just wanted to ask whats up with our waw rotation, seelow, outskirts etc.
is there any specific reason why we are using them?
those are some pretty damn big maps.
makes it alot harder to get randoms.
i know u love them tanks bred, so do i, but hej you´re a supermod, just switch it to a tankmap when we got some peeps on
That was done by request...i'm not averse to removing them if that will help keep ppl playing...but you can just vote change to any map
map rotation:hangar, castle, makin, dome, asylum