[Game] Would you rather...?


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
If you don't know what this is you need to get out more

Basically you have to give two options that someone has to choose starting with "would you rather..."

I'll start
Would you rather get shot in the balls with a paintball gun or shot in the leg with a real gun?

**you have to pick one or the other, no neither. Also share your reasoning behind your decision if you would like


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
paintball gun in the balls. Why? Cuz it already happened to me. It hurts for a bit but I was able to stand up, get out of the field and come back in the next round to shoot people in the head. A shot in the leg is way worse in my opinion.

Would u rather have ur best friend being a girl or a guy? Notice by best friend I mean possible sex/romance with a trusty girl and all that, or a true male friend u can trust and who u have known forever and did all kind of crazy stuff since u were kids.


Former Krew Member
Guy. I need a good male friend to talk to and hang out with. I could use my wife for other things.

Would you rather skydive from the edge of the atmosphere or be stranded on a secluded island for 3 days without food.


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
Skydive!! I totally want to skydive some day. Who in their right mind would choose 3 days with no food? :confused:

Would you rather pee all the pee you have ever peed in your entire life in one single sitting (or standing) or have a surgeon stab you with a 4 inch blade then sew you up?


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
Piss, because it wont hurt and I'll lose a lot of weight *although it would be very unatural* :D

Would you rather drink a cup of spoiled milk or give $100 to a hobo.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Spoiled milk, why? I'm 15 years old, I'm broke.

Would you rather join the navy or the air force?


Former Krew Member
Air Force, mainly because it is better known as "The Chair Force". And it would be really cool to learn how to fly helicopters while helping out the country.

Would you rather get consumed by an alien (referring to Alien Vs Predator), or eaten by stinging jungle ants :eek:


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Alien. You would most likely still be alive when the ants bite your flesh off, while an alien just poke (they poke, right?) you through your chest once and you're done.

Getting funky with Rosie O'Donnell or a 100+ lady?


KKK's Pecker Checker
Former Krew Member
100+ lady...anyone looks better than that :poop:
Would you rather kick justin bieber in da nuts (the ones he doesnt have...) or have superpowers?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
superpowers obviously, I don't hate him that badly that I'd give up superpowers.

Would you rather be a professional tennis player or football player?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
football player, less training, more fame and more money. I spent 1 year in a semi-pro tennis club with macthes almost every week. Profesionals have to train too much in my opinion.

Would you rather buy Apple or Microsoft?


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
Microsoft, it's more compatible and ive used it for years!

Would you rather be a Millionair or be the worlds smartest person? (Basically, do you want Money or Knowledge)


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
Knowledge, cuz if you are really so smart you will be a millionair if u will want to^^

Would u rather be Damage or Wally? :giggle:


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
yea, I dont think anyone has the balls to answer that... I sure dont.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
why isn't a girl going to answer this question, I mean if I were a girl I'd sure as hell make out with my mom :troll2:
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