Wally, it's really simple. For example. If I want info on a candidate for president I look at their own record. If they are already in politics you can look up their voting record and any other FACTUAL information. You can also find a lot of video (official) where you can see them and hear their own words, not someone's INTERPRETATION of what they said which can be distorted. You don't need FOX,CNN,MSNBC etc as there is always going to be a lean to the left or right. The other thing is that on TV, radio many of these are pundits, they are there to state opinion, not always fact. Sadly that is what has happened to the media. They no longer report news. They may report it, however, they will add some spin. Spin can be adding or omitting info to suit your agenda.
For example: "Police use pepper spray to remove protesters", our reaction "RAWR, there go the police abusing power". Complete story "After warning protesters to move or be pepper sprayed police spray them" our reaction 'Good, they were warned"
The problem is too may people rely on trendy news slogans as fact or as solid information that one should base their vote or own opinions on. Those are known as SHEEP or Kool Aid drinkers. Don't be one of those.
The biggest problem is getting FACTUAL information takes work and it's much easier to remember a bumper sticker slogan and just go with whoever is trendy.