Yeeee! <3 We gotta play later, hit me up when! :3
I love sharing my music so you'll definitely see more.
You better be on tonight! And get on TS then also. :/ Okay!? Okay. <3
Good song! :3 And don't worry, i'll try to help you out and stuffs.
Looks like that Frequency spectrum cuts off at 60 Hz
Pretty awesome
Good to see someone with a similar taste of my own.Looks like that Frequency spectrum cuts off at 60 Hz
The adventure club stuff is mixed really well compared to the liquid stuff. Good post. It might be cuz there's less going on but idk. And I usually don't go for dubstep, but that's a good track.
Aye buck, i am of that generation. I still like some 80s tracks if that makes your heart rate go down a bit@Rexz >:) woT, U GOT A TING FO LIL PINK ELEFANTS TOO?