Letting most of it Out


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Yes, that's what i meant. He's clearly asking for help, no need to bash the guy and call him names.
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I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Heh, I got through it by just getting up each day and going to school, talking to friends, etc.

I agree with TDs opinion on suicide.

I agree with pwns post about having it easy in America.

I feel like raging at blu for his reply to pwn, but I won't.

Just be thankful for what you have, if school is really that bad and has no councillor, ask if you can change schools.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Yes i don't like it either Tony. I've locked several threads or marked them solved and they get like ten more posts. I really don't care though tbh, but they keep showing up in my 20 recent posts :raging:

I feel you Felon, i felt like giving a couple people a piece of my mind but decided against it.


|K3| Member
Well, I think the Super Mods are much more easily trusted than regular mods to exercise good etiquette in locked threads. That is the idea, I believe. Also, I think a big difference between the responsibilities of Supers and Regular mods is that Supers are also in charge of keeping the peace on the forum. If I am wrong someone please please please correct me.

No one is infallible. I am one of the most flawed individuals on this site. If you feel the need to yell at me, damage, simply because I have issue with something D.Wolf said (despite the other good things I have to say about him), go for it.

All I want people to do is take a step back from these things and be realistic, instead of trying to make this thread some kind of dramatic lovey dovey scene from a soap opera. So, when he tells everyone his problems, don't be fake and say "oh no dude, you're perfect. Everything is okay. I think you're the coolest guy in the world." NO! He HAS acne. He GETS annoying. He HASSSS a shit ton of flaws, but SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE AND WE ALL DEAL WITH IT. So yea, he's a good kid, and I tell him that when I think he deserves it (that's all anyone can do, right?), but I'm not gonna build some fantastic bullshit comfort story and cuddle with him on the forum, ESPECIALLY when he consistently says he doesn't want any comments. He probably would like some comfort. If he hadn't said the whole time "I don't want to you guys to pay attention to this" then I would have no problem. But I am not going to comfort the guy "against his will" just so he feels that much better. He's gonna have to learn to meet the world half way on these things. And it's gonna be tough, but life is fkin' tough.

All I am saying is being sad or depressed is NEVER going to grant you special rights no one else has, whether that thought has ever entered your minds specifically or not. It doesn't make you special. It doesn't make you more mature than other people. It doesn't mean that somewhere else in your person, there is a quality that is BETTER than most. It doesn't mean that later in life you will have it better than most. The kid who kicks your ass in middle school every day might grow up, have a wholesome family make a 6 figure salary, and die without a shred of guilt or so much as a scratch on his ego or body. Life is not that karmic. It's not like a fairy tale. IIf you got it super roguh or you are super sad, it just means exactly that, and life is going to be harder. You are NOT gonna get a handout, unless you are a lucky schmuck. So, work with other people and deal with it. Life isn't a fairy tale. So don't jump on everyone's self criticism with baskets full of bloated and offthemark compliments, simply because some dude is sad.

On a serious note, D.Wolf you should probably look into an anti-depressant. If you have a chemical problem, you need chemical treatment. Nothing to be ashamed of, at all.

For the record, if this thread had been simply someone hating on D.Wolf out of the blue instead of him hating on himself, I would have had a completely different take on this. Self inflicted criticism needs no comforting. You do it to yourself.
But no, that's not what this was, almost everyone has something nice to say, AS WELL as something to yell at him about, and since it all seems to be the same thing we're yellin' at him about, and we're all callin' him an excellent child and good friend, anyway, I don't see why people can't take this as us hating the action, not the person. But, some people are blind.
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The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
Hey guys seriously, there have been some very good points made but you could have made them in a much more charitable and constructive manner. Just telling a guy he's a fkn wimp is not going to help much. What will help more is if people will stop pointing out the obvious and help him find a solution instead if he wants one. I don't think it's an anti-depressant.

I think one step would be to find something good and wholesome you can do at home to keep your mind off problems. Let me tell you now, Wolf, that the computer and internet is not the place to go for an escape. It seems to help for awhile it distracts you at least but sooner or later you'll realize that it just empties you and gives you nothing. That's what I found one year when I was feeling very depressed. I just withdrew from my family into my room with my computer and before I knew it I had wasted a good year or two of my life. That is not the solution and in fact I think it's part of the problem. In fact I'll tell you a secret...computer addicts ARE losers! I was one two (and easily could become again if I don't watch it) so I should know.

Instead of that find something REAL. One thing though is you should start reading GOOD books. I don't know if you read much but I know I sure didn't at your age. Good literature is a great way to occupy your mind and is good for it too if you're selective. I don't mean Twilight! I mean the classics of literature, the great authors. Get yourself interested in them. Just reading a lot in your day leaves you so much fuller at the end of the day.

David Copperfield is a great one to read if you want to hear about someone who had it rough, it's easy to read too. I would recommend any one of Dickens' books. For something more cheerful there are plenty of selections out there too. I love Shakespeare's comedies. Those are so much fun to read I'm telling you.

Try doing what I do (and need to do more of) Just turn off the computer, go out on the deck, turn on some Mozart and sit down with a glass of wine and Don Quixote! ( Read J.M. Cohen's translation, it's the best)

Hey I don't mean to be overbearing, I hope I'm not. If reading isn't your strong point, it's not mine either really, (you should try it anyway) do other real stuff. It's a big beautiful world out there, there's always things to do. I think that's the best medicine. And it's not that difficult.

Take care Wolf, again I don't want to be overbearing. This isn't a solution in itself, but it's a dang good step towards one.
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|K3| Member
Thanks, Cave. Couldn't swallow my pride enough to say it like that. And I'm being serious about that. I can definitely swallow my pride enough to leave the mozart, wine, and classics out, though :giggle: lol jks.

---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

It's interesting that you say that houston, as REM sleep patterns are actually much "shallower" than stage 4 sleep.


|KKK|'s Sheep Herder
Former Krew Member
this thread has amused me in many ways, wolf i only have one thing to say....



Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Where the he'll have you been Missy? My Ak 74u misses you as a target.

Back on the serious wagon. Anti depressant will help you in the short term, but that stuff is probably going to make you very dependent on it, as it will give you that happy feeling associated with the drug. So I guess unless you are extremely depress, you should probably seek out psychiatric help first. Plus Cave, Wolf isn't old enough to legally consume alcohol.

And if reading isn't your strong points, how about drawing? I usually find that I can draw in any mood. Drawing can calm you down. And don't give up on drawing if your first few drawings aren't perfect. You need time and practice.

Hope you find some use in this post.
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