Well, I think the Super Mods are much more easily trusted than regular mods to exercise good etiquette in locked threads. That is the idea, I believe. Also, I think a big difference between the responsibilities of Supers and Regular mods is that Supers are also in charge of keeping the peace on the forum. If I am wrong someone please please please correct me.
No one is infallible. I am one of the most flawed individuals on this site. If you feel the need to yell at me, damage, simply because I have issue with something D.Wolf said (despite the other good things I have to say about him), go for it.
All I want people to do is take a step back from these things and be realistic, instead of trying to make this thread some kind of dramatic lovey dovey scene from a soap opera. So, when he tells everyone his problems, don't be fake and say "oh no dude, you're perfect. Everything is okay. I think you're the coolest guy in the world." NO! He HAS acne. He GETS annoying. He HASSSS a shit ton of flaws, but SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE AND WE ALL DEAL WITH IT. So yea, he's a good kid, and I tell him that when I think he deserves it (that's all anyone can do, right?), but I'm not gonna build some fantastic bullshit comfort story and cuddle with him on the forum, ESPECIALLY when he consistently says he doesn't want any comments. He probably would like some comfort. If he hadn't said the whole time "I don't want to you guys to pay attention to this" then I would have no problem. But I am not going to comfort the guy "against his will" just so he feels that much better. He's gonna have to learn to meet the world half way on these things. And it's gonna be tough, but life is fkin' tough.
All I am saying is being sad or depressed is NEVER going to grant you special rights no one else has, whether that thought has ever entered your minds specifically or not. It doesn't make you special. It doesn't make you more mature than other people. It doesn't mean that somewhere else in your person, there is a quality that is BETTER than most. It doesn't mean that later in life you will have it better than most. The kid who kicks your ass in middle school every day might grow up, have a wholesome family make a 6 figure salary, and die without a shred of guilt or so much as a scratch on his ego or body. Life is not that karmic. It's not like a fairy tale. IIf you got it super roguh or you are super sad, it just means exactly that, and life is going to be harder. You are NOT gonna get a handout, unless you are a lucky schmuck. So, work with other people and deal with it. Life isn't a fairy tale. So don't jump on everyone's self criticism with baskets full of bloated and offthemark compliments, simply because some dude is sad.
On a serious note, D.Wolf you should probably look into an anti-depressant. If you have a chemical problem, you need chemical treatment. Nothing to be ashamed of, at all.
For the record, if this thread had been simply someone hating on D.Wolf out of the blue instead of him hating on himself, I would have had a completely different take on this. Self inflicted criticism needs no comforting. You do it to yourself.
But no, that's not what this was, almost everyone has something nice to say, AS WELL as something to yell at him about, and since it all seems to be the same thing we're yellin' at him about, and we're all callin' him an excellent child and good friend, anyway, I don't see why people can't take this as us hating the action, not the person. But, some people are blind.