You must also realize that you are 14 and pumped full of hormones and incredibly immature. Not to mention your idea of a social life must consist at least in a large amount of school life.
Why not try living a little more before you've decided you know enough to know you don't want any more of it? It seems juvenile and unnecessary what you are talking about.
And yes, I agree with much of what blu said, but not all.
---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------
Let's get this straight once and for all, though.
People kill themselves of their own accord. In the most extremes of cases, maybe I can say that these people were really kinda forced into killing themselves.
There is, in no other situation, any case WHATSOEVER where you can blame someone else when you kill yourself. And therefore, expecting guilt from others is simply obscene.
This is just my opinion on suicide, not you D. Wolf.
You have absolutely no good reason to kill yourself. It's an insult to mankind that you are considering it. You aren't even fully grown. You haven't completed school. You simply DO NOT KNOW enough about life yet to even judge the quality of your own yet. Regardless of what I know about the quality of your life, you are an american, you go to school, get food, and have a house to live in, friends on our forum. You can play videogames. Yes, it is nice that you know that there are people that have it worse, but do you understand the implications? Why shouldn't you kill yourself? Because there are millions of people who would much rather trade places with you, and you killing yourself is like slapping them in the face. You waste all the benefits they will NEVER see. Don't you EVER fuck over mankind like that. EVER. Be a decent fucking person. Be thankful for what you have.
Honestly, I think you are a great kid and very funny at times. I think when you are older, you will probably have some pretty good looks. Bitching about acne (if that is on your list of reasons to kill yourself, I'll kill you myself) is a waste of time. They got GREAT shit out there now. I remember I used to have terrible acne. And believe me man, I didn't have it easy in school, and I, too was a pussy and decided maybe killing myself was a good idea. But then, I realized what I said above. That I would be pissing on the humanity of millions of people if I did so. I'm not a christian, but that is still a sin to me.
So yea, you deserve compliments. This attention seeking BULLSHIT is just that, though. Stop it. Just be a dude. We like you better that way.
---------- Post added at 10:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------
So yea, IDGAF what damage says, stop actin' like a fag. You aren't one and it's starting to piss me off big time.