Granted. You are walking home from the grocery store, holding a bag with bread milk and eggs, and are listening to Justin Bieber on your new 1000 gig iPod Touch. You are about to turn into your neighborhood when you see a flying chinchilla. You panic and steal the nearest bicycle and start chasing it. The song is now Friday. You follow the chinchilla until it is hit by an American Airlines airplane, at which point it falls and lands in your Aunt Gertrude's hat, at which she flings it at Bill Clinton, who sues your grandmother for 923910493212943819348 gummy bears. You are now out of gummy bears and are listening to Firework. You are tired and gummybearless, and you also realize you have rode your bike for three weeks straight, and are now in Wisconsin. You go to the airport and fly back to your hometown, get a taxi and go home. You are tired but your no-lifedness causes you to log onto KKK S1 and play some CoD. About 10 minutes in you feel the need to use the bathroom. You are taking a crap when you realize you are still listening to Katy Perry. You take out the iPod to pause it when you drop it into the toilet. It is now ruined.
I wish I didn't spend three minutes typing that corrupted wish