Obama should be impeached


Twat Hammer
Started a war with a country of 70 million people and didn't have a legislative backing.. he started another war without any constitutional power to do so... anyone know what im talking about?


|K3| Member
The president has to be convicted to be removed. Impeachment is simply taking him to congressional court. Clinton was never removed from office (and couldn't have been, as he broke no laws and didn't act unconstitutionally).

I think you're right. If he is acting beyond his bounds, it's time for the American people to rise up for impeachment and take some power back. However, this will result in one of the 2 parties (almost certainly Republicans following the impeachment of a Democrat) pretty much shoving whoever they please into office. This could easily (I would say likely will) be worse for America than Obama.
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Started a war with a country of 70 million people and didn't have a legislative backing.. he started another war without any constitutional power to do so... anyone know what im talking about?

Check your facts before blurting erroneous crap:

- Libya population: 2010 estimate 6,420,000 (70 million?)
- United Nations Resolution 1973, adopted last week by the Security Council calls for an immediate ceasefire and authorizes United Nations Member States to take “all necessary measures” to protect civilians in Libya. This translates into denying the Libyan Air Force the ability to kill Libyan civilians which is what they were doing.
- This was a multinational humanitarian operation of which the US is playing a limited role designed to protect innocent civilians. (We're about to get ourselves out of even this limited role.)
- This was not a declaration of war needing congressional approval in the first place.

You need to educate yourself rather than be programmed by inaccurate, biased, right-wing media fktards.

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/RES/1973 (2011)

Personally, I don't care if people like or dislike the president but if you're going to slam anybody like this, at least do it with valid facts, arguments, supporting references rather than just blurting out dumbass, pointless, reactionary demagoguery.

PS Sorry, this kind of post pisses me off.
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|K3| Member
Check your facts before blurting erroneous crap:

- Libya population: 2010 estimate 6,420,000 (70 million?)
- United Nations Resolution 1973, adopted last week by the Security Council calls for an immediate ceasefire and authorizes United Nations Member States to take “all necessary measures” to protect civilians in Libya. This translates into denying the Libyan Air Force the ability to kill Libyan civilians which is what they were doing.
- This was a multinational humanitarian operation of which the US is playing a limited role designed to protect innocent civilians. (We're about to get ourselves out of even this limited role.)
- This was not a declaration of war needing congressional approval in the first place.

You need to educate yourself rather than be programmed by inaccurate, biased, right-wing media fktards.

http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=S/RES/1973 (2011)

Personally, I don't care if people like or dislike the president but if you're going to slam anybody like this, at least do it with valid facts, arguments, supporting references rather than just blurting out dumbass, pointless, reactionary demagoguery.

PS Sorry, this kind of post pisses me off.

LOL I knew it had to be deeper than just "Obama is anti-human and wants to kill 70 million people"

You guys ever played telephone in like kindergarten? Where you pass a message and it ends up realy fucked up at the end? 6.5 million gets rounded up to 7 million gets changed to 70 million. XD


Twat Hammer
hahaha, its supposed to be kept civilized.. i just listened to someone rant about it on youtube.. i didn't actually hear anything of it.. that is why i didn't write out facts.. im glad you got pissed though.. it shows your true nature... its cute!

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

i knew he was bombing libya but i didnt know what they were talking about when they mentioned Iran... but this was a funny post.. i love when people get stirred up on politics so why not post something... i wish i could find the youtube vid... ugh


That's not Greg when he's pissed. Greg when he's pissed = ragequit. This lacks rage.

Yea, my rant wasn't about you specifically Vox, just that, opportunistic politicians, corporate america and other liars take advantage of uninformed voters by praying on their fears with lies and half truths to try to influence voters and elections. I hate that. The country would be so much better if people just studied the issues at hand so they can make informed decisions while voting.

Learn about your representatives and how they vote here:

Learn about the lies people are telling here:

Biggest lies here:

PS I've only ever rage quit 2 times in my year with the krew so bite me!
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Twat Hammer
it was meant to be added on the end of his sentence.. he doesnt rage quit, often.. lol


Former Krew Member
As far as lies, half truths, etc both parties are guilty. FACT (yes, fact) is we have a guy as our president that had/has no experience at all other than community organizing (Acorn, SEIU, etc). What you see happening is the result of putting someone in a position they are not qualified for. Before hating just look up his qualifications and for giggles compare them to McCain. Forget your ideology and try to just look at it as if you were hiring someone for the job. If you have an open mind you will see that McCain was well qualified, moreso than Obama. Heck, even Hillary has more experience if you want to compare from the same side. Sorry but that's a fact, don't be mad. If we were hiring a community organizer, Obama would be more qualified than McCain. Sadly, "opportunistic politicians, corporate america and other liars take advantage of uninformed voters by praying on their fears with lies and half truths to try to influence voters and elections".

please read brief article above:

University of California $1,591,395
Goldman Sachs $994,795
Harvard University $854,747
Microsoft Corp $833,617
Google Inc $803,436
Citigroup Inc $701,290
JPMorgan Chase & Co $695,132
Time Warner $590,084
Sidley Austin LLP $588,598
Stanford University $586,557
National Amusements Inc $551,683
UBS AG $543,219
Wilmerhale Llp $542,618
Skadden, Arps et al $530,839
IBM Corp $528,822
Columbia University $528,302
Morgan Stanley $514,881
General Electric $499,130
US Government $494,820
Latham & Watkins $493,835

Special interest?? Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE (wait, isn't GE a big corporation?) now is tight with Big O. Look it up, it's a fact. The same GE that got $139 billion in bail out money


General Electric said Wednesday that the federal government had agreed to insure as much as $139 billion in debt for its lending subsidiary, GE Capital. This is the second time in a month that G.E. has turned to a federal program aimed at helping companies during the global credit crisis.

Fact, our president, just like the one's before him is in bed with big corporations too. Most recently about $2 Billion in Petrobras (Brazil). Ask yourself this. Why our president, who is supposedly on the "Save the earth" band wagon, has a moratorium on drilling (since it's bad for the environment, etc) is making oil deals with Brazil. I thought global warming and taking the earths resources was bad everywhere? Apparently it's only bad in the US. Well I guess we should not be surprised as he himself said that under his plan electricity prices will neccesarily skyrocket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4 . You wanted change, there you go.
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Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
I completely agree with Code on this one, for me well if he's s a "citizen" of our country, why will he not prove it if he is? Another note, GE is also one of the major corporations in the world, not just the USA that has also got waivers not only on the health care crap they want, but also has waivers on the carbon emissions they produce, meaning they have no regulation at all on the amounts of pollution they put out. How can that even not only be legal but help the environment (if global warming was real in the first place).

What this is, is a bunch of crooked people in and running our government, all for profit and power it's simple as that. If you people do not wake up to this soon enough, well you can kiss our "USA" goodbye because it will be gone. Once a Republic like what we use to have is gone, it's very hard to get it back, if it ever happens...


|K3| Member
You do not have to believe in global warming to acknowledge that pumping large amounts of CO2, CO, Sulfur, Methane, CFC's (yes I know they are no longer used industrially in America), ...etc. is bad for the environment. It's obvious. The science is RIGHT THERE. CFC's eat up Ozone, breaking it down into O2. The CFC is sort of recreated in the process, meaning it will continue to break down MORE O3. There are STILL CFCs collecting at the poles, eating away ozone there. There are animals getting abnormal CANCER in far north and south regions. That shit doesn't just get replenished. You can argue that CO2 gets converted back to oxygen... it's dumb, but you can argue it. O3 gets produced in lightning storms.... LOL. So what? Hope for giant thunderstorms for the next 20 years?

Too much sulfur in the atmosphere, pumped out by big dirty industry... DUH results in Sulfuric acid in our rain. It is not only bad environmentally, it's bad for business. Structural damage is OBVIOUS if you look for it. Damage to crops and livestock is obvious. Look at Venus! the greenhouse effect is real. Cars and dirty industry pump out lots and lots of CO2, CO, and even can produce CFCs. If you inhale car exhaust, you will die. It's POISONOUS, it's not just lack of oxygen inhalation. CO binds to hemoglobin and prevents O2 from binding there, you CAN'T get oxygen if you breathe too much CO, and cars produce LOTS. Any form of combustion, unless done in a lab, is going to be incomplete, and that means Carbon Monoxide. It's not just emissions raping the environment either. Overfishing, over hunting, too much Sprawl building. Bad industrial waste disposal habits. Agricultural waste being dumped into rivers, Agricultural Runoff. All of these things have quantifiable direct and indirect effects on the environment. Almost all of them are negative. I can't think of a single positive one, but I'm no expert.

It is simply INSANE to think that we humans, with our current actions, are not taking a toll on the environment.

Blu, the "Republic" hasn't been the same since the industrial revolution.
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Former Krew Member
Yes Dude, we do have an impact on the environment however it's not at the "alarming" rate Al Gore and his followers claim it is. These same people in the 70's said the world was going to freeze over, lol. BTW, Al Gore "profits" big time from "global warming" or is it "climate change", no wait, "man caused disaster"? LOL, who knows what it's called now haha.

If drilling is so bad and evil why then is it OK to do it in another country (Brazil)? I thought this was bad for the environment. The Dems voted against it here in the US so why do we contribute to it over seas?

Reminds me of these stupid city codes. I can cut wood in home depot in my neighborhood but 1 mile away another home depot in a different part says no due to safety reasons by the city? WTF?
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