How to play COD (And beat everybody else)


We were talking about tips to be better players in the shout and I know you all have good techniques because we have good players.

Sooo, post your best tips b/c I want to get better. (Goal = Beat Walt)

No need to do a Dude-like 14 paragraph synopsis of your every action while playing COD. Just a few bullets of your best tips, tricks, ideas, pwn-techniques.

You veterans will know these already but here are my tips:
1. Be in the gaming mode: If I'm bored or supposed to be doing something else, I can't game very well. Be focused. Eliminate distractions.

2. Get good equipment: Fast PC, good kB mouse and headphones. Big monitors help me spot ppl otherwise unseen.

3. Use claymores: They're force multipliers. They can protect you while you snipers are hiding/cowering. They can guard the objective on SAB and generally slow the enemy down and make him hesitate a lot.

4. Use the best perks: Marty, bandoleer, bomb squad etc all waste good perks. Use perks which stop the enemy. Deep pen, stopping power, claymores all create more enemy deaths and thus points. You can make up for the other perks by firing carefully, checking around corners for claymores etc.

5. Know the map, spawn points, best hiding spots for breathers and observation, and target acquisition.

6. Move/observe/move/observe: You are most visible and at risk when moving. Minimize moving time, especially on 1v1 or 2v2 matches.

7. On busy maps, run and gun is the winning combination. Ask walt he does this and always wins.

8. Avoid game types and player count where you will not win. E.g., it is almost impossible to win in 2v3 for DOM simply because you're out numbered and can't be in two places at once no matter how good you are. Losing pisses me off a lot.

9. Use the right weapon for the GT/Map. Using bolt on a busy FFA map is the quickest way to lose simply because most others have assault rifles which will tear you up while you have to bolt reload.

10. Remember routes in a map. E.g., people always travel down 2 routes when traversing crossfire. Expect the enemy more at these points.

Here's what Walt came up with in the shout.

20:45 WaLLy Tip #1: Buy a rig (good computer)
20:45 WaLLy Tip #2: start playing more often (practice)
20:46 WaLLy Tip #3: relax and enjoy the rage
20:49 WaLLy Tip #4: Play smarter
20:49 WaLLy Tip #5: Use your kill streaks wisely (Not sure what he means)
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Weapon selection -
If it's run and gun you want a light wep. P90, mini Uzi. That way no one is catching up with you while you do the route.
Clays are great, but unless you are sniping they are a waste of time, and on a really busy S1 you can get killed laying them, unless it's one of the sniper houses, then they are invaluable.


|K3| Member
bandolier is an exceptionally useful perk in many different playing situations. Bomb squad is extremely useful in search and destroy matches in which you notice a crap load of explosives being set. In TDM and 1v1's bomb squad will tell you where someone like pwnsauce is, or at least where they've been.

Pay attention to how each person plays and use that knowledge to your advantage. The people you play against are all different, treating every opponent as the same kind of player is not a ticket to success. Even things like your knowledge of how aggressive a particular player is can be extremely useful to keep track of them on the map.

In 1v1's especially, you should at all times be considering all the possible places the other player could be in. 1 by 1, the places will be eliminated as possibilities by any number of means.

There is no BEST perk for every situation. There are perks that suck. Eevesdrop is the obvious useless perk. I saw someone using it once........ in the whole year ive been playing.


Oh yea!

Use the enemy's UAV against him.
Knowing they see you on the map is really useful.
Find a defensive position with one or two routes to your location.
They will undoubtedly come come to find you. Just nail them when they do.

They hate that, lol.


OK, how to pwn in S1-
1- Run and gun. Use a fast ROF SMG. Sleight of hand. Marty. Plan on close and personal. It all about reflexes. Keep moving. Plan on dying heaps. But the deaths dont matter, it's the kills. Works best with a crowded server.
2- Camp. Use the SAW. Works as a sniper with a big-ass magazine. If you're good with a sniper and fast scope, use it. Camp the balcony. Back to the wall so you can cover both doorways. Kill n00bs as they enter. Move to the corners now and then coz peeps will come back to kill you. When you get air strike go prone to use it. Use your nades up. Use 'em or lose em. Option two is one of the sniper houses. Your two clays will almost guarantee two kills. Snipe n00bs camping the balcony or moving into position on the balcony. Stay back from the walls so you dont clip and get pwned from the other sniper house. You can hear peeps walking across the wooden floor below you when you're in the main sniper house once you use up your clays.

How to pwn in DOM.
SMG. Extreme conditioning. Clays. Its about getting to, and holding the flags. kill score does not mean shit. Race to the flags and plant a clay. If you have 2 flags don't worry about the third. If you can hold 2 the game is won.

How to pwn in SAB.
Someone needs to camp or snipe and get air. Use the air during sudden death, or on the bomb if you plant and lose cover. Protect the bomb carrier. If he is planting, stand out in the open as a target. They will target you before the planter.

How to pwn in S&D.
Be careful. Patient. Quiet. Use your sound. Tube the opposition. Dude will rage quit.

How to pwn in Killhouse TDM.
Stay up one end, Split up and cover each side. The opposition WILL spawn at the other end. Kill them. If you go rushing down there they will spawn behind you. Defence wins every time. Have guys on the roof of the block house and guys covering each side (if there are 4 players). use deep pen and stopping power. If they hide behind a wall, shoot the wall.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
The one thing I learned was to mimic other players. If you see them pwning with a certain weapon, USE IT!!! Play with it often and eventually you'll get really good at it! Thank you Cav for the M4 and Blu for the AK! :)

The three ONLY weapons I use are P90, M4 and the AK47. I can use either of those guns on S1 and depending on the gametype we're playing on the other servers, I'll switch it out to one of them. Use any combination of perks that you think will get the job done; no matter if you get called a n00b for it (doesn't apply o n00b-tubes on an objective gametype).

Most of all, start using common sense. It's kind of difficult for me to explain that one.

Use your kill streaks wisely.. Got UAV? Don't call UAV if your team already has UAV. Wait for it to go down, and then call in yours, unless you know where your opponents are and you KNOW you're gonna get 2 easy kills, then of course use it and get the extra UAV seconds. Got your 5th kill? Good deal! Don't use it 'til you made your 6th kill!! OR if you have UAV and you know the general area of your opponents. If you get killed on your 6th kill, don't worry about it. Wait 'til your team has UAV and call it in. You'll get a few kills in and you can start all over. Got a heli? Awesome! Don't go wasting it once you get it! Wait 'til you die and call that bad boy in. You're for sure going to get 3 kills; once you get UAV, be quick and kill 2 others.

The biggest improvement for me was building a new PC. I wouldn't call it a beast but it sure as heck runs 100x better than my previous PC. Oh and be sure to turn off EVERY single improvement thing on the game options. It may look ugly but you'll get used to it.

Remember, it doesn't hurt to mimic other players. You'll learn from them.


So you run your game at MINUMUM settings? How the hell does that work out? Ima make a profile and find out/


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
So you run your game at MINUMUM settings? How the hell does that work out? Ima make a profile and find out/

Video Mode: 1920x1080
Refresh Rate: 60Hz
Aspect Ratio: Auto
Model Detail: Low
Water Detail: Low

everything else is either Off or No. I set the max FPS console setting to 125. That's it, and it looks perfectly fine to me. Runs real smooth.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
For s1, SLIEGHT OF HAND of probably the best, double tap and uav jammer works too. No need for stoppingpower, as SP in hardcore is useless.(Though i like SP on my AK for some reason). Don't even think about planting clays in c4s, one of the 20+ people are bound to get you before you're all done planting and switching back from your weapon. I find i do really well if you have a couple of ROUTINES, like VoX or Slaya or PORKY(i think). It's easy to have one big room, or two small rooms to just run around, fend off the place. You'll find me a lot in the Greenroom/TV room, i like to run around the edges just killing people off, everytime i switch places, theres new people-spawn and just running people- that i can kill. DON'T FORGET TO JUMP AROUND YOUR CORNERS.

2: Other servers- PERKS: 1st slot:bandolier if you're good, and keep on getting streaks. you run out of ammo fast, this is the perk for you. if not bandolier, i suggest 3x frags, spec nades, or bombsquad. i'm not too fond of the explosives.
RANK: 1)Bandolier
4)3x spec nades
6) RPG & C4
2nd perk slot- Sleight of hand is the way to go. UAV jammer is beast, too. Double tap on the M4 or G36 is a BAMF. Sonic BOOOOM and jug are the next best options.
3rd perk slot- go Dead slience, Deep impact. if going for fast run n gun in loud servers like s1, go extreme conditioning or steady aim.

Cent0 Tactics:
1: KNOW YOUR MAPS]. Know where spawns are, know the small little spots and aim towards there. Knowing what players you're playing with helps. Know their spots. basicaly, memorize the maps.

2: CROUCH IN SMALL TEAM MAPS WHEN NO DEAD SLIENCE sound is esscential to live in the game.

3: Know what players are alive at the time, and keep notice of the killfeed When pressing TAB, you'll see peoples name with dogtags next to them. that means that they are dead ATM. No need to worry then. You'll know the people deep in the maps- caming, running- are pretty far from the spawning areas. no need to worry about the deads just yet. take a good look at the alive players, know their tactics, and own their arses. IE( I see AVC is dead, but Pwnsauce is stil alive. i know avc needs to respawn for the dogtags to go away, so i don't worry about him. i focus on Pwn. i know from experience, that he is likey to be in a building, crouching in a corner with a clay somewhere. i play pwn a lot in xfire, so i know his spots there, likey to be in one of the A flag buildings, or B flag building. i head to there, and get him. wallbangs sometimes, cuz i know his type like to stay in corners alot -sorry-. then check if avc is alive, yes, and play cautiously with him. Works well in 2v2s, 3v3s, and i have done it in 4v4s.

3. When aiming down sight, don't focus on the red dot. So, you aim dot sight across the map. don't focus on the center, focus on the surroundings. It's easy to miss people walking by at the edge of your screen when just looking at the center. But its easy to see if someone walks right in front of your reddot. basically, watch the whole screen I've seen too many pepole looking at the center, and missing someone obviously spotable.

3 of Cent0's successful tactics.
I won't go into other, BASIC stuff, cuz Dude's gotten there already.

---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

i see my post looks similar to Dudes.
no onder we play like


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Thanks for all your tips. I suck at TDM so these tips might help. AVC is right when it comes to domination. The way to win is by spawn trapping the other team. If you go far enough into the other teams spawn they will start spawning behind you. If you cap all three flags they will spawn everywhere. It will be hard to know where they are coming from. Remember call outs too. Let people know what's up. You don't have to type everything that's going on. Just type in the basics. For example, "They are rushing A", "Bomb down at B", or "Need smoke to plant". Just simple stuff like that. Remember not to run everwhere. You cant use your gun when you a running. I think sometimes we all forget that.


|K3| Member
OK, how to pwn in S1-
1- Run and gun. Use a fast ROF SMG. Sleight of hand. Marty. Plan on close and personal. It all about reflexes. Keep moving. Plan on dying heaps. But the deaths dont matter, it's the kills. Works best with a crowded server.
2- Camp. Use the SAW. Works as a sniper with a big-ass magazine. If you're good with a sniper and fast scope, use it. Camp the balcony. Back to the wall so you can cover both doorways. Kill n00bs as they enter. Move to the corners now and then coz peeps will come back to kill you. When you get air strike go prone to use it. Use your nades up. Use 'em or lose em. Option two is one of the sniper houses. Your two clays will almost guarantee two kills. Snipe n00bs camping the balcony or moving into position on the balcony. Stay back from the walls so you dont clip and get pwned from the other sniper house. You can hear peeps walking across the wooden floor below you when you're in the main sniper house once you use up your clays.

How to pwn in DOM.
SMG. Extreme conditioning. Clays. Its about getting to, and holding the flags. kill score does not mean shit. Race to the flags and plant a clay. If you have 2 flags don't worry about the third. If you can hold 2 the game is won.

How to pwn in SAB.
Someone needs to camp or snipe and get air. Use the air during sudden death, or on the bomb if you plant and lose cover. Protect the bomb carrier. If he is planting, stand out in the open as a target. They will target you before the planter.

How to pwn in S&D.
Be careful. Patient. Quiet. Use your sound. Tube the opposition. Dude will rage quit.

How to pwn in Killhouse TDM.
Stay up one end, Split up and cover each side. The opposition WILL spawn at the other end. Kill them. If you go rushing down there they will spawn behind you. Defence wins every time. Have guys on the roof of the block house and guys covering each side (if there are 4 players). use deep pen and stopping power. If they hide behind a wall, shoot the wall.

No other clans will play you in SnD, or probs plenty of other gts, if you tube. I just wont play if youre tubing.

---------- Post added at 05:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------

For s1, SLIEGHT OF HAND of probably the best, double tap and uav jammer works too. No need for stoppingpower, as SP in hardcore is useless.(Though i like SP on my AK for some reason). Don't even think about planting clays in c4s, one of the 20+ people are bound to get you before you're all done planting and switching back from your weapon. I find i do really well if you have a couple of ROUTINES, like VoX or Slaya or PORKY(i think). It's easy to have one big room, or two small rooms to just run around, fend off the place. You'll find me a lot in the Greenroom/TV room, i like to run around the edges just killing people off, everytime i switch places, theres new people-spawn and just running people- that i can kill. DON'T FORGET TO JUMP AROUND YOUR CORNERS.

2: Other servers- PERKS: 1st slot:bandolier if you're good, and keep on getting streaks. you run out of ammo fast, this is the perk for you. if not bandolier, i suggest 3x frags, spec nades, or bombsquad. i'm not too fond of the explosives.
RANK: 1)Bandolier
4)3x spec nades
6) RPG & C4
2nd perk slot- Sleight of hand is the way to go. UAV jammer is beast, too. Double tap on the M4 or G36 is a BAMF. Sonic BOOOOM and jug are the next best options.
3rd perk slot- go Dead slience, Deep impact. if going for fast run n gun in loud servers like s1, go extreme conditioning or steady aim.

Cent0 Tactics:
1: KNOW YOUR MAPS]. Know where spawns are, know the small little spots and aim towards there. Knowing what players you're playing with helps. Know their spots. basicaly, memorize the maps.

2: CROUCH IN SMALL TEAM MAPS WHEN NO DEAD SLIENCE sound is esscential to live in the game.

3: Know what players are alive at the time, and keep notice of the killfeed When pressing TAB, you'll see peoples name with dogtags next to them. that means that they are dead ATM. No need to worry then. You'll know the people deep in the maps- caming, running- are pretty far from the spawning areas. no need to worry about the deads just yet. take a good look at the alive players, know their tactics, and own their arses. IE( I see AVC is dead, but Pwnsauce is stil alive. i know avc needs to respawn for the dogtags to go away, so i don't worry about him. i focus on Pwn. i know from experience, that he is likey to be in a building, crouching in a corner with a clay somewhere. i play pwn a lot in xfire, so i know his spots there, likey to be in one of the A flag buildings, or B flag building. i head to there, and get him. wallbangs sometimes, cuz i know his type like to stay in corners alot -sorry-. then check if avc is alive, yes, and play cautiously with him. Works well in 2v2s, 3v3s, and i have done it in 4v4s.

3. When aiming down sight, don't focus on the red dot. So, you aim dot sight across the map. don't focus on the center, focus on the surroundings. It's easy to miss people walking by at the edge of your screen when just looking at the center. But its easy to see if someone walks right in front of your reddot. basically, watch the whole screen I've seen too many pepole looking at the center, and missing someone obviously spotable.

3 of Cent0's successful tactics.
I won't go into other, BASIC stuff, cuz Dude's gotten there already.

---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

i see my post looks similar to Dudes.
no onder we play like

FOr those of you who have trouble aiming with the AK47, try doublt tap. The recoil really is easy to counter already, the kick up and down will be negated by the ROF bringing the 3rd shot down quicker.


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
My post is gone but its a 100% legitimate way to kill people and win. I dont see why you deleted it Walter.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Yes it's a legitimate way to kill people but Going around with a n00btube is NEVER going to get you the #1 spot on S1 (or you're on S4 with unlimited ammo). Only if the server is nearly empty.

The point to this thread is so people can learn better ways than the classical n00btube. I know we use anything goes rules as far as weapons goes but some people are truly interested in playing with some borderlines; me included. One of the reasons why I've dropped the n00btube from my classes entirely.

Deleting your post wasn't to single you out. This is the How-To section. Comments that don't really supply much help will get deleted. this being one of them.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
I run the settings of all my cod4 on low, it looks horrid but it makes my PC run smooth as silk!


The Tubing remark was a joke. The bit about TheDude rage quitting was a fact.

I don't actually use the tube much, as I find it hard to aim (prolly coz I don't use it much) and there are better weapon attachments.
Same with RPG, the sights are a bitch, and the thing flies all over the place. I find it easier to bring down a helo with the SAW. Better still have an M60 class with Deep Pen and Stopping Power for when the chopper appears. Doubles as a wall spammer too.

The rocket launcher in Half Life was the bomb. Main firing mode - fire and forget. And it flew straight. Alternate fire mode was with laser sight and you could steer the rocket in flight.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
But you only get 3 rockets unless you 'impulse 101' it :D

The RPG I think is pretty fun on cod4 it really depends on your style whether you like it or not


Fail Cent. Weren't you going camping already?

There was a guy in S1 who was named "The RPG guy". He had it down to a fine art.


|K3| Member
noob tubes and rpgs suck for a couple of reasons:

-first only works at a certain range, meaning you will get pwnd by anyone up in your face, as your tube will not explode, and the second its clumsy and cumbersome, and will kill you if you fire it at close range.
- this makes walking around with either at the ready a bad idea as you very likely will encounter someone around a corner. So, not having them at the ready, you have to recognize the situation as being a good one to use the tube or rpg in, take them out, and then aime and fire. In this time, your enemy will pwn you unles they haven't noticed you, in which case you could just shoot them anyway.
- the noob tube is stupid hard to aim at many spots people will be in, and is impractical for many long range encounters as well. The rpg, even if aimed well, flies wherever it feels like going, so a straight shot is merely luck, and should not be counted on anyway.
- the rpg's iron sights take a fairly long time to bring up and fire. Neither of these weapons are going to be practical to use on the spot, unless your enemy sucks.
- both only have 2 shots, which usually means a kill for each. The rpg is a guessing game for getting a kill. When you compare the benefits of these 2 kills with the amount of kills bandolier can give you, the defense the claymores give you, and the passive benefits of bombsquad, they just dont even begin to be a worthwhile trade off.
- almost all situations where you can get a noob tube kill, it's just as quick or quicker to simply aim and shoot, and leaves you at less of a disadvantage.
- after every shot of the tube and rpg you have to reload, which takes enough time to make missing your shots a death sentence most of the time.
- on weapons like the ak47, the tube attachment makes the gun clumsy in my opinion. ADS is obscured by that crap sticking off.
- tubes mean you cant have a silencer or RDS< the first of which is very useful in smaller battles. You also cant have a perk 1.
- tubes and rpgs, when fired, act as bigass signs pointing to your location for everyone with ears and eyes.

Tubes won't make you win and they are the worse choice of setup options if you want to win. People that use tubes do so and then die very quickly. All this accomplishes both the tuber and the tubee gettingn owned, the tubee is having his day ruined for no reason, as the tuber is getting no real benefit from using the tube in the first place.

In objective based games, screwing up the tubee's day is the point. In sab, i totally see whoever shot the tube get owned very quickly after firing, as shooting the thing is like saying "hey! im over here! look at me! i just killed your teammate!" So, yea it can totally make the other guys NOT win sab matches, but if you suck, tubes still not gonna win it for you. Youre just gonna screw up whatever the enemy is doing.

In SnD tubes aren't fair. Everyone knows where the spawns are and everyone on the same team spawns a the same spot. No shit..... oh hey, they are all gonna start there, and i got this here bomb, ill just shoot it down there and get myself killed taking out as many as i can in the process. Yea, everyone gets this. It's obvious. There is no challenge to this. You are the only one tubing because other people have enough sense to realize that if EVERYONE tubed for the SnD match it would suck bawls. It's not that you have somehow found this secret weapon no one knows about. Your'e just taking advantage of other peoples self restraint. De-noob yourself fool.

I NEVER find myself in a tight spot thinking "damn a tube would be really nice to have right now." It's pretty much always more effective to just shoot bullets.


If you think the tube in COD is bad, you should have seen the underslung gren launcher in Half Life.
Basically a semi-auto gren spammer. I think you could carry a max of 5 or 6 grens. Worked with the MP5.
Nearly all the weapons in HL had a main and alternate firing mode (like the rocket launcher with laser guidance)
In the MP5's case the main was shooting bullets, the alternate was launch a gren. And you could bang 'em out one after the other.
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