Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
[04:38] Sargass: In case of zombie outbreak...Sarg will move to Romanian mountain...
[04:38] Sargass: +they have good network provider and hot webcam chicks in HD...


Former Krew Member
[09:23] D.Wolf: im eating cereal
[09:23] D.Wolf: at 12:23 am
[09:23] D.Wolf: like a normal person
[09:24] SteelHorse: I'm working out at 1123 like a normal person
[12:27] PaigeBoo::hello:
[12:28] PaigeBoo: fine you all left so I'm going to go bathe. HUMPH
[12:31] DamageINC: neekid?
[12:31] DamageINC: im fapping .. like a pervert
[12:31] DamageINC: XD


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Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[02:41] HIBred: :yuno: get bfbc2 and just play with us?
[02:42] HIBred: my name is IteamkeelU
  • Like
Reactions: AVC


Staff Sergeant
[12:03] El Diablo: to you people on at the moment, i wont be in game for the next few days, but drunk me may be on the forums in the coming nights
[12:04] El Diablo: just a heads up
[12:04] PwnSauce: awesome
[12:04] DamageINC: Is it FRAT week
[12:05] Predator': you going to a saugsage feast diablo? :giggle:
[12:05] PwnSauce: with a name that includes 'blo'
[12:06] Predator': :lmao:


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
[08:47] HIBred: i wish i could talk to chicks like an auctioneer
[08:48] HIBred: canigetatitcanicanicanigettwo gimmetwotitties canigeta get


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Paige high as f#ck after the ER

PaigBoo: Loopy
Ethan: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
AVC: how s that gurney?
AVC: comfy?
PaigeBoo: Ummm kinda comfy
AVC: how long yopu been waiting?
PaigeBoo: Morphine
I didn't wait long I was
Marjed urgebt
marked urgent>?
guess it kicked in
AVC:consider yourself lucky then
Mu heart want right
Paige has left the planet

I'm Here!
P words Pepperonnu popcorn paint
I see a troll! I'm not clip clopping over your beige u promise
Why can't we be friends why can't wend friens
the little black man is following us home again
Odk.He followed me and Jeff last time from the hospital.He's bad.He scares me
Guys what of he getse....he's waitng I think
does jeff see him?
No mom doesn't either.She's laughing at me
He's Real! ...He came inside....
Gary Coleman...feed him some pie..he'll go away
no one believes me
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[10:20] HIBred: yeah,i have a friends art show to go to tonight
[10:21] GoldenFire: Awsome!
[10:21] GoldenFire: Siounds like fyn
[10:21] GoldenFire: fun*
[10:22] HIBred: should be ..but it's fookers
[10:22] GoldenFire: lol
[10:24] Bart: what would happen if you attached a keg of beer to a camelback
[10:25] HIBred: lol,you'd get sand in it


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[03:00] PwnSauce: hey eth, where ya been?
[03:00] Ethan: Greg! Hey buddy.
[03:00] Ethan: I've been at the beach with Jesus


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Debating sig size dimensions

WaLLy:I'm setting all signatures to 500x100
DamageINC:100 height is too small man
DamageINC: my sig is 503x150
DamageINC: thats a good size imo
WaLLy: I just set them all to 500x100
WaLLy: I'll change it to 150
AVC: set it to 9000 long so I can fit a pic of my pecker


Former Krew Member
[01:17] Bart: im going on vacation on thurs.
[01:18] DamageINC: for how long? where to?
[01:18] Bart: 2 weeks to northern cali
[01:18] PaigeBoo: where in nor cal
[01:18] Bart: i think we are going to some national parks and san francisco
[01:19] Bart: i know san francisco
[01:19] PaigeBoo: hehe after math of pride parade
[01:21] Bart: at my grandma's house?
[01:21] DamageINC: watch out for used condoms
[01:21] DamageINC: the timing :lmao:
[01:23] PaigeBoo: :lmao:
[01:23] Bart: at my grandma's house?


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
[02:00] PwnSauce: nosotros tenemos más influencia con sus hijos que tu tiene
[02:03] PwnSauce: bbl
[02:28] Trasgu: Nosotros tenemos mas influencia en sus hijos que la que tiene usted mismo*
[02:28] Trasgu: its handy to have a spanish guy in the krew
[02:33] RedRival: lol
[02:52] Sargass: it would be better to have a spanish girl in the krew...but...



Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
COD4 online chat.

[Kessa banned a hacker]

Kreubs or Freez said that they also want to ban somebody
Me: ban yourself
GAvIN: U can ban yourself??
Me: Yeah
GAvIN: Oh cool, make me admin
Wally: sure
GAvIN: really?
Wally: Yeah, password is XXXXXXXX



|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
COD4 online chat.

[Kessa banned a hacker]

Kreubs or Freez said that they also want to ban somebody
Me: ban yourself
GAvIN: U can ban yourself??
Me: Yeah
GAvIN: Oh cool, make me admin
Wally: sure
GAvIN: really?
Wally: Yeah, password is XXXXXXXX


What made it even better is that he actually started typing commands ingame :LOL:

yeah a wh left just before i checked the list because i think he knew he was being specced :|


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[06:10] BluBirD78: i feed my ducks that frozen corn
[06:10] DamageINC: did they eat it?
[06:10] DamageINC: of course they did lol dumb ?
[06:10] BluBirD78: you didnt tell me frozen corn doesn't float in water!!
[06:10] DamageINC: its frozen lol
[06:10] BluBirD78: you said frozen corn
[06:11] BluBirD78: yea after i coaxed them to the land i fed them there lol



Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
[07:39] RedRival: DON'T DISTURB ME
[07:39] RedRival: I'M EATING ICE CREAM!
[07:39] MikeK: lol
[07:40] Kessa: rival is too busy 'eating'
[07:40] RedRival: Nope.
[07:40] MikeK: Lol Kessa :lmao:
[07:40] RedRival: Kessa, go back to fappin
[07:41] Kessa: i dont know how to 'fap' :0
[07:41] RedRival: Out of ice cream...
[07:41] RedRival: Getting cookies!
[07:41] MikeK: Kessa, rival will teach you ^^
[07:41] RedRival: Kessa doesn't know how to fap? I thought you were 16?
[07:41] Kessa: :rofl:
[07:42] MikeK: :lmao:
[07:42] RedRival: You were born in '95 and u don't know how to fap?
[07:42] RedRival: :smh:
[07:43] D.Wolf: i am going to kess
[07:43] D.Wolf: said that lol
[07:43] Kessa: knowing how to 'fap' is mandatory for 16 yo's?
[07:43] Kessa: :thinking:
[07:43] RedRival: Both boys & girls, yes.
[07:44] Kessa: * Kessa googles 'fapping'
[07:45] Kessa: ahh i see its another word for baiting
[07:45] Kessa: ..
[07:45] Kessa: :wtfderp:
[07:46] RedRival: Kessa knows how to :jerkoff:?
[07:46] Kessa: nope, and thats not a bad thing :D
[07:47] Kessa: ima go play some Dragon Quest with my sister naow so bb!
[07:47] RedRival: :wtfderp:
[07:47] RedRival: :|
[07:47] RedRival: :smh:

Lol ik its too long but still, :lmao:

- - - - - - - - - - Updated - - - - - - - - - -

[12:27] SiloHunter: NY wh Promod.iz E-z
[12:28] MikeK: Silo m(
[12:29] MikeK: U just reported Christian
[12:31] MikeK: PM Pwn if you are still sure tho :giggle:
(asked Chris to check the shout)
[12:33] MikeK: Chris, dont hack :troll2:
[12:33] TheDude: okay ty
[12:33] Kreubs: im confused
[12:34] Freez: Omg TD
[12:34] Freez: me and Kreubs were speccing you lmao
[12:35] MikeK: n00bs :lmao:
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Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
MikeK: 對手是同性戀 is not yellow
[10:29] HIBred: so it's different
[10:29] HIBred: oh that is Opponent is gay
[10:29] MikeK: m(
[10:30] MikeK: Rival is ghey
[10:30] MikeK: lol
[10:31] Macbeth: me llamo pablo
[10:31] Macbeth: yo soy hamburguessa
[10:32] malasins: your a hamburger?
[10:32] HIBred: :lmao:
[10:34] Macbeth: oh thats not what i meant
[10:34] Macbeth: yo bibo hamburguessa
[10:35] PaigeBoo: Tengo mucho hambre
[10:36] malasins: vivo* so you live in a hamburger?
[10:36] HIBred: :rofl:
[10:38] PaigeBoo: Mac... just shush now before you say you bang hamburgers
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