Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


[06:56] PwnSauce: BF2?
[06:58] WaLLy: :ffffuuuu: I want to play
[06:58] WaLLy: but the wife already called :doggystyle: night
[06:58] PwnSauce: yay, come on buddy
[06:58] PwnSauce: banana night?
[06:58] WaLLy: * WaLLy is at work
[06:58] PwnSauce: 0_o
[06:58] PwnSauce: banana night at work?
[06:58] WaLLy: :yes:


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
PaigeBoo: ....... the first kill I saw wiht my name was a clay kill... and I thought "sweet I got someone!"
PaigeBoo: Then I realized I was speccing...


|KKK|'s Pony
|K3| Member
03:57] ponyboy: im eating roast beef
[03:57] PwnSauce: oh
[03:57] PwnSauce: got fish on the grill
[03:58] ponyboy: nice im cooking roast children tonight
[04:00] PwnSauce: hmm. what goes wtih children?
[04:00] ponyboy: what do u mean?
[04:00] PwnSauce: roast children?


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
[06:30] PaigeBoo: I'm in so much pain. Starting worry that one of my cysts ruptured
[06:31] Ethan: :eek: Have you gone to the doctor?
[06:31] PaigeBoo: No, I wasn't having this issue until after doctors offices closed
[06:32] Ethan: and honestly, I read cysts as nuts at glance..
[06:32] Ethan: You should try to go tomorrow...if you can't, I'd just chill out in the bed all day, and take some ibuprofen
[06:33] PaigeBoo: Lol my nuts ruptured :lmao:


[08:52] AVC: OK, I'm gonna go heat up my soup\
[08:53] Joe Momma: what kind of soup
[08:53] AVC: Gary will probably pop up like a meer cat now that I've said that word
[08:55] AVC: Minestrone
[08:58] HIBred: :|
[08:58] SteelHorse: ^
[08:58] HIBred: somebody say soup?


Flying Dutchman
|K3| Member
[09:49] Titoezz: this fucking retard on s1, what a noob. Playing with last stand, being annoyingly good at it. and when i do shoot him down and he kills me, he changes team so i dont get a kill...... seriously. how fucking retarded are you
[09:50] Tabarnak: LOL
[09:50] Tabarnak: He's smary
[09:50] Tabarnak: smart
[09:50] HIBred: Smartyrdom
[09:50] Tabarnak: Smart Stand
[09:51] HIBred: lol, he's using tito Can't Stand
[09:51] Tabarnak: LOL

Lol @ Bred


Staff Sergeant
[07:27] DamageINC: :omg: 3 chix on at once @ chaturbate
[07:28] MelRose:
[07:28] HIBred: brb
[07:28] DamageINC: damn all naked!
[07:28] El Diablo: i think i should be let into the Krew straight away, for my bravery and valor.
[07:28] DamageINC: lol @ these morons who tip
[07:28] Predator': keep it in your pants damage
[07:29] DamageINC: don have any on
[07:29] El Diablo: his hand or his penis?
[07:29] DamageINC: :lmao:
[07:29] Predator': :rofl:


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
[05:13] Tabarnak: Bday party tonight
[05:13] Tabarnak: daddy turns 60 tomorrrow
[05:13] WaLLy: your momma gonna give him some poon?
[05:13] WaLLy: :oops:
[05:13] WaLLy: and are you gonna give him some bday weed?
[05:14] Tabarnak: poon?
[05:14] Tabarnak: He doesn't smoke
[05:14] WaLLy: poon = what you came out of when you were a :Saleh:
[05:15] WaLLy: unless you had a c-section
[05:15] WaLLy: well, your mom*
[05:17] Tabarnak: Ooh
[05:18] Tabarnak: the placenta and after birth and stuff
[05:18] HIBred: :lmao:
[05:20] WaLLy: yes, so you gonna get him some placenta for his bday, brah?
[05:20] WaLLy:XD
Last edited:


Lul <3 u AVC hahaha.

[08:15] Hanny: OMG i need my dick sucked
[08:15] Hanny: I need one of you guys to complete my favor, anyone ?
[08:16] AVC: I want a meal, not a snack

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

[08:29] DxnK: nah soulg passed you bro he is now worse than you <3
[08:29] PwnSauce: no, you're #2
[08:30] DarkFangz: fuk
[08:30] DarkFangz: how can i suck anymore!? (no homo)
[08:30] PwnSauce: and ghey
[08:30] PwnSauce: i dont' make the rules man lol


[03:49] PwnSauce: pwnserver anybody?
[03:49] PwnSauce: feel like some sab or hq
[03:49] El Diablo: i love hot food, i have the spirit of an Indian haha
[03:49] DamageINC: I hate it
[03:50] PwnSauce: fine
[03:51] El Diablo: whats pwnserver?
[03:51] DamageINC: i meant i hate spicy food lol


|KKK|'s Swagga McDaddy
Former Krew Member
[10:47] BluBirD78: a tornado can happen within mins but hurricanes takes hours if not days to get big
[10:47] El Diablo: i thought both were giant cloud monsters that try to steal your children


Former Krew Member
[07:59] D.Wolf: umm my step bro is really pissed off right now all
[07:59] D.Wolf: so if im not on within the next 2 months im dead
[07:59] D.Wolf: okay ttyl's
[07:59] Ethan: Don't die D Wolf

Not really funny, but I put this here just in case. :eek:


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
[02:02] Tabarnak: * Tabarnak fell from his couch
New [02:03] DamageINC: lmfao
New [02:03] DamageINC: seriously?
New [02:04] Tabarnak: Yes, I was laying on it tried to get my phone and fell
New [02:04] Sargass: he tried to lick his balls again...
New [02:04] DamageINC: :lmao:
New [02:04] Sargass: dude only cats and dogs can do that


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
WaLLy: told ya
[06:00] HIBred: owwww
[06:01] DamageINC: Bengay on my balls? when i put bengay on my balls, it hurts. is that normal?
[06:01] WaLLy: it only hurt the two minutes. After that it felt "niiiiiiice"
[06:01] DamageINC: Normal that you're putting it on (no) or normal that is hurts (I don't think normal has been established, as people don't generally do this).
[06:01] WaLLy: * WaLLy has balls of steel
[06:01] DamageINC:
[06:02] DamageINC: Try putting some in your rectum. It might help you forget you have it on your balls.
[06:02] WaLLy: lol
[06:02] WaLLy: I'm not gonna try it anytime soon lol
[06:02] WaLLy: note to self: wash hands afterwards.


|KKK|'s Pony
|K3| Member
08:31] ponyboy: blue looks weird since im used tho the green
New [08:31] ponyboy: lol
New [08:31] Ethan: That's what we all said at one point,


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
[07:39] Ethan: Begun stung gesticulating v Hurd sb no sawed it tiki yo.
[07:40] Freez: Did your black girlfriend tell you that?
[07:41] Kreubs: :haha:
[07:41] Ethan: All 37 of them.
[07:42] Ethan: Not many Caucasians at my school.
[07:42] Freez: Still you're a virgin.
[07:42] Freez: Even though we know blacks put out more.
[07:43] Ethan: You don't know that for sure
[07:43] Ethan: Okay, yes you do.
[07:43] Ethan: Racist
[07:44] Freez: ^_^
[07:44] Freez:
[07:44] Ethan: Well it is the truth, ao
[07:45] Ethan: Along with other things people are racist about
[07:46] RedRival: S2
[07:47] nate: blacks put out more?
[07:48] Freez: :brb:
[07:49] Ethan: Agility guilty stuff still teeth dearth echo carrying yo
[07:49] nate: :GTFO2: :|
[07:49] RedRival: Freez got pwnd



Former Krew Member
I was typing random things on my iPod and seeing what auto-correct came up with :D

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