Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


WaLLy having fun abusing us ^^

[01:08] RaZeR: but his dick's a bit small
[01:08] PwnSauce: what are you talking about ponyboner?
[01:08] ponyboner: LOL
[01:09] Ethan: I'm a douch!
[01:09] D.Wolf:
[01:09] PwnSauce: why are you all talking about eachother's wangs?
[01:09] Ethan: cmon WaLLy.
[01:09] RaZeR: o_O


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
I broke up with my girlfriend today
hey how do i do the do the video brakcets?????
sorry dude
i broke up with her
more time for gaming now (gotta look at the bright side)
u got fired?
tombraider :
bigger forearms too ;DD
Last edited:


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[06:21] HIBred: I swear the Heli pilot in S1 wallhax
[06:22] PaigeBoo: I'll come look
[06:22] HIBred: no
[06:22] HIBred: no
[06:22] HIBred: wait
[06:22] PaigeBoo: oh i get it
[06:22] HIBred: i mean the helicopter
[06:22] HIBred: whew
[06:22] PaigeBoo: lol



Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
[05:50] DamageINC: IT said... Take have you not been outside all day you fkn pothead
[05:50] DamageINC: Take - No, its still light out


[04:26] AVC: Damage, are your mouse butttonss reversed?
[04:26] DamageINC: Hey teetoe
[04:26] DamageINC: reversed?
[04:27] DamageINC: as in made for lefty?
[04:27] Titoezz: Reversed - turned backward, having a contrary or opposite direction.
[04:28] DamageINC: Titoezz - Being ghey or otherwise taking the cawk


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
[10:06] Sargass: a friend of mine took one year in Moroccan jail for hash...she didn't spoke Moroccan

[10:08] Sargass: i can't even imagine if one day i'll phone to mom..." dont wait me for in jail in morocco"...she croos the Mediterranean sea in 15min to get me out of there and kill me with her hands

[10:09] Sargass: so...6am...7 signs of the apocalypse or Amityville the real story???


[05:14] Sargass: DOM/HW/SAB when?
[05:14] PwnSauce: how about 9PM EST, 6PM Ghey time (CA)
[05:14] Sargass: S2?
[05:14] PwnSauce: i get better performance on S3

errr, they're the same box!!!


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Sigh it's getting annoying it gets bigger every time I put it in my pocket. then it goes almost away but never completely


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
[05:21] PaigeBoo: Don't laugh at me... I don't know much about condoms
New [05:21] PwnSauce: i prefer a committed relationship with mutual trust than condoms. blech
New [05:22] DamageINC: or birth control
New [05:22] DamageINC: i ride my hos bareback
New [05:22] PwnSauce: horse?
New [05:22] PwnSauce: oh


[08:19] WaLLy: I see what you did there
[08:19] MacBeth: nice pun dude
[08:20] WaLLy: lol :luv: you Mac!
[08:20] WaLLy: no homo!
[08:20] WaLLy: sike! who am I kidding. homo!
[08:20] PwnSauce: jägerbomb ftw
[08:20] WaLLy: yes homo!


K3's social Media Rep.
|K3| Member
02:21 Freez Yeah Grats Tomb!
02:21 Sgt.Fishy OLD MEMBER FTW!
02:21 Sgt.Fishy lol
02:25 Sgt.Fishy freez if you don't continue talking i will rape you
02:25 Sgt.Fishy HARDCORE
02:26 tombraider freez just let it happen its amazing! its more like softcore hes not to ruff!
02:27 tombraider and thanks all im glad i have them been to long ahah and we missed you red
02:27 Sgt.Fishy make it seem like I am a gentle lover
02:28 tombraider no just not ruff
02:28 tombraider your smooth like a loaf of bread
02:29 Sgt.Fishy ROFL!!!


Former Krew Member
[06:01] Tabarnak: where is Damage?
[06:02] PaigeBoo: pimpin his hoes
[06:02] Tabarnak: my penis hurts
[06:04] PaigeBoo: ummmm I'm scared to ask but... why?
[06:07] Tabarnak: i got really smashed and ended up :doggystyle: a dog
[06:07] Tabarnak: you might want to stay away from cocaine
[06:08] PaigeBoo: did you seriously?
[06:08] Tabarnak::eek:
[06:08] PaigeBoo: Or is that an April fools
[06:08] Tabarnak: :eek:
[06:10] PaigeBoo: oh man
[06:10] PaigeBoo: Not touching cocaine ever


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
New [08:23] BluBirD78: alright everyone, it's bedtime for this big bird!
New [08:23] DamageINC: i mean bangin hos
New [08:23] BluBirD78: catch you guys later
New [08:23] DamageINC: Cya Wally
New [08:23] DamageINC: i mean blu
New [08:23] DamageINC:
New [08:24] PwnSauce: I gotta hit the sack too
New [08:24] PwnSauce: and when I mean sack, I mean Blu's sack
New [08:24] DamageINC:
New [08:24] PaigeBoo: Good night Blu
New [08:24] PwnSauce: gn Blu, I'll dream of you and Obama tonight
New [08:24] DamageINC: Im starving
New [08:24] BluBirD78: me too!
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