Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
Trasgu after a 13-24yo party:

[02:56] Trasgu: imagine gavin drinking
[02:56] Trasgu: lmfao
[02:56] DamageINC: :smh:
[02:56] DamageINC: Gavin would be face down in a jello shot
[02:57] DamageINC: Him and Nitroz would be like.. fawking bro.. when are we getting fawking recruited maaaaaaaan
[02:57] MikeK: imagine poodle drinking
[02:57] SiloHunter: And dolla, dee.
[02:57] Trasgu: lol
[02:57] SiloHunter: Dolla is like I hope I get krewtd soon, I'm like :unsure:... awkward silence
[02:57] DamageINC: Poodle > fawking kessa, i love you.. marry me.. ill even love your sheep
[02:58] DamageINC: Ill buy you ping pong tables
[02:58] DamageINC: XD


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
More on the above^ "party"

[03:54] Trasgu: by learning how to drink I mean learning what ur limit is
[03:54] Trasgu: and no mike there werent any 13yo
[03:54] SiloHunter: trasgu hopes they werent 13yo...


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I love how, I come active for 3 days and Im already protagonist on some of the posts... u guys are so mean to me.

And its not my fault the definition of "botellon" comes in with the 13 yo´s...


[10:31] AVC: Dee just you just reboot the server?
[10:31] DamageINC: yes
[10:31] AVC: You dumb fucker

Update later added.
I posted this because it was amusing to me, not to stir up trouble.
Andy obviously didn't mean it seriously which is partly why it was funny.
I'm going to clean this thread up of the subsequent comments in, 3, 2, 1...
Last edited:


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
HIBred: quick somebody say something funny so i can get the funny comments thread back on track..
[07:43] Robin: I'm about to have an exorcism in my butthole.


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
[03:06] Robin: what is the password?
[03:06] Batman: to?
[03:06] Robin: the forums
[03:06] Batman: my heart?




Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
[10:10] Robin: iuiiiiiiiiuyhvgtcfr
[10:10] Robin: o fv jj, nmmmmm
[10:11] Robin: gt5yhn
[10:11] Robin: tgh
[10:11] Robin: Poi
[08:11] MikeK: :spam:
[08:11] MikeK: :withstupid:

Well its better than "I dont have to shave Paige's ass every time" :troll2:


|KKK|Clash Expert
|K3| Member
[11:17] SteelHorse: how was ur luck yesterday bred?
[11:19] HIBred: dude her name was Yoyo
[11:19] HIBred: craaaaazy nihgt
[11:21] HIBred: pull off a crazy clutch beer run for my friends club like 12 cases of beer with 10 minutes to midnight
[11:21] SteelHorse: yoyo is that how she was lol
[11:22] SteelHorse: she went up and down on ur...
[11:22] Robin: Server one needs some peeps/
[11:22] HIBred: naw she's just a friend :whistling:
[11:25] SteelHorse: jst a friend :lmao:


Vodka supplier
|K3| Member
Cod4 chat:

random guest: Gavin WH
Gavin: me and Red haz been practisin
Rival: yeah, buttsex



Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
07:02] Batman: I'm playing with Tito Haxs on S1
[07:04] Sargass: And by hax wally means...
[07:04] Takegawa: Cool. I'ma join
[07:05] Sargass: im not gonna watch male gang bang :p
[07:06] GAvIN: I AM


K3's Caribbean dude
|K3| Moderator
|K3| Media Team
[11:32] nate: finish god aimbot s1
[11:32] RedRival: Finnish God Aimbot s1
[11:33] nate: got here secs b4 u :p
[11:33] nate: sargas wanna help us out?
[11:33] RedRival: Ye he's cumin
[11:47] nate: hes 'cumin'
[11:47] nate: u made him 'cum' red?
[11:50] Sargass: u more my type Nate :p
[11:58] nate:


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
PaigeBoo: Well a tier 3 girl crush is where if the circumstances were right you'd make a scissor sandwich with the person
[09:53] AVC: scissor sammcih, hmmm
[09:53] AVC: pics or ban
[09:53] AVC: unless there's a new smiley for that one too
[09:54] AVC:
[09:55] AVC: sounds interesting
[10:00] PwnSauce: scissor me xerxes!!
[10:00] AVC: scissor me timbers!
[10:01] PwnSauce: lol
hibred : :lmao:


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
[11:04] MelRose: i like all juice.
[11:04] RedRival: Would ya like some manjuice?
[11:04] MelRose: sure. do you know any men?
[11:04] PaigeBoo: Do you like grapefruit juice mel?
[11:05] RedRival: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap: :fapfap:
[11:05] RedRival: U rdy Mel?
[11:05] MelRose: yes.
[11:06] MelRose: no
[11:06] MelRose: no
[11:06] MelRose: no no that yes was for paige
[11:06] MelRose: not you
[11:06] RedRival: ahahah


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
HIBred: i wish i could Moab the jersey shore cast...and all the Housewives
[01:55] HIBred: no, i looked him up ..he's new..
[01:55] El Diablo: ^
[01:55] HIBred: Makes americans look really bad
[01:56] El Diablo: shore does...
[01:56] HIBred: :lmao:
[01:56] HIBred: nice one!
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