favourite weapon


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
In my case its pretty simple.

short range: mp5 silenced
medium range: M4 and red dot
long range: M40A3


M4/Red Dot/Bandolier/Sleight of Hand/Steady Aim

Bandoliers cuz i uasally run out of ammo on 6-8th kill in a huge FFA server

M40A3-acogs great for crowded but Quick scoping is awsome and shows your skill-Perks dont matter, just make sure steady aim is on

SMG-Mp5-It sounds awsome with a silencer

LMG-Idc they all kinda suck but if i had to choose id say RPD w/ grip/red dot

Shotguns-Dont bother Unless your playing with friends and wanna do a shotguns only-not bad with Overkill though.

M4 is my Fav, but it really depends on the situation

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
I'm an M4 kinda guy, but I'll go around with a silenced mini-uzi or skorpion every once in a while. The RPD kicks ass.


I usually use the AK47 with no attachments, or a grenade launcher if I feel like being an ass. Or I'll use the M16A4, or the M4. Not a huge fan of the SMG's, although I do like the mp5, and have never used a p90, still locked.


Another weapon I have been favouring lately is the M14 with Deep Impact and Stopping Power. It's beast. One shot kills. No scope waver like a sniper. Player hiding behind a wall? No problem! Shoot straight through the wall! Just be prepared to be called a wall hacker...

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Well even when you have Sleight of Hand on the M14 it's still normally a 1 shot kill. Only people who use Juggernaut or Last Stand don't get 1 shot killed. And that's at distance.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
best ever

m9 silenced

claymore x2
uav jammer
the improved hip fire accuracy one

stun nade


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
the assualt rifle G3cg i think with silencer and a deagle with RPG stun nade and steady aim also a sleight of hand


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
M4 Carbine with Red Dot if you want to win. If it's a free for all match, then I put Bandolier, Sleight Of Hand, Deep Impact. If it's a S&D game, then I would swich the perks around to Bomb Squad, UAV Jammer, and Dead Silence. The MP5 is awsome silenced or not [depends on the game you are playing], but I dont use it as much anymore because I always die while reloading. AK74u is also good. Mostly I use the R700 and the M40A3 with Bandolier, Sleight Of Hand, Deep Deep Impact[in free for all games].


- M4 with silence or Red Dot
- Claymores and LS
- Smoke for the Objective when you plant it's harder for them to see you

- M4, red dot
- Dead silence is vital
- Stun and frags and claymores
- Deep pen
- Don't need sleight of hand b/c if you are shooting properly the enemy is dead and quick reload is pointless.

1vMany (like S1)
- P90 for it's huge mag (50 rounds)
- Stun and frags
- Claymores and LS
- Sleight of hand for fast reloads is vital

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
If you're one of those snipers (ugh) then is FFA you wanna put this class on...

M40A3/M21 ACOG if you want
Sleight of Hand (Stopping Power really isn't necessary)
Deep Impact (Shooting through walls FTW)
Bandolier or Frag x3

Stopping Power or UAV Jammer
Dead Silence
Bomb Squad

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Best combo is P90 with sleight of hand, bandolier, and extreme conditioning with silencer
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