If people want marriage equality, why can I not marry my cousin or sister? What's stopping people from doing that?
This common sense also dictates that someone that wants to marry their sister or cousin would be entitled to the same rights. You give an inch, and they take a mile. Just because something is taboo today doesn't mean it's always going to be. Homosexuality got you killed only a few hundred years ago. Now it's commonplace. For all we know, people will eventually want to marry cousins, siblings, or even animals and be demanding equal rights.Common sense. And wanting to marry your sister has nothing to do with a (not related) homosexual couple that wants to marry.
I am comparing them. In Christianity, homosexuality is a sin. Sodomy is a sin. Incest is a sin. None is more heinous than another, but all are wrong. It's not a very far stretch to think that as society becomes more liberal with what is acceptable, things like sodomy and incest will become legal and acceptable. I try not condemn people for their actions, as that's not for me to do. I can only state that I don't agree with life choices of whatever person I may find.Incest is illegal, Sodomy is illegal. Homosexuality isn´t. Do you really compare Sodomy to Homosexuality now?
Btw: Homosexuality still can get you killed in many countries.
I will only address this statement then be done with this thread. Lots of the people you probably know of that are Christians are nominal, meaning they only take the name of Christianity to feel good about themselves. I'm not going to make any judgement on them, but true Christians should never pick and choose what they want to obey in the Bible. At the same time, Christians fight against a flawed nature, giving the appearance of hypocrisy.I respect the believes of Christians. I really do. But there are many things, the Bible says are a sin. But it seems, that some Christians like to ignore that and just pick out the stuff that fits best to their opinion.
inbreeding can make some pretty messed up babies, just sayinAnd I would go even further if two siblings want marries and if they are adults I totally agree.
If you are going to separate Church from State, then separate them, but that is not how the country was founded, and it isn't run that way today. No matter how hard you try to separate them you won't be able to do it. The Christian religion for now is very strong in our government. We still pray before many federal meetings are started, and all the buildings in D.C. have verses and Christian symbols all over them. So to want separation of church and state is going to be very hard to do, although it is happening, slowly, but it is happening.Separation of church and state..... don't like gay marriage? don't marry a dude.. it's not like ten thousand gay guys are going to attack a church and force the priest to marry them..nope .. it's about human rights .. not religious anything