Why do gilrs fuck with you're head


Slave to nothing.
|K3| Member
I'm engaged, and I know there is so much that I still have yet to learn, but when the time comes you'll know when it's the right girl. It took two years of me getting to know my fiancee before we even started dating. During those two years I was in three relationships. They all ended badly. As peace put it, these "aliens" thought the world was all about them. Me and my dumb idiot guy brain said okay. I slowly realized that once I got sucked in it was easier to manipulate me. Once I got out of each of those relationships, somehow it was my fault. Somehow, how they acted was my fault. The last girl said she was going to be going to law school and broke off our relationship. After she broke it off I found out that she was still involved with other guys while we were dating. After I found out I told her I didn't want anything to do with her. She then proceeded to tell everyone that I would cheat on her and that I abused her. I was done with relationships at that point.

Months later, through all of my stupid days, I realized that my friend was still there. She stuck by. For me, that was the confirmation I needed. Sometimes the one for you is going to be the one you never expected. Don't be in a relationship because you feel like you have to. That never works. Be in one because you choose to love the other person, not because they make you. Be patient, don't rush. In the end, it all works out.
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