And crap on the statistics, which is the whole point of this?
I didn't remember the nuber so I thought I'd have a good laugh looking through replies
And crap on the statistics, which is the whole point of this?
I didn't remember the nuber so I thought I'd have a good laugh looking through replies
My 970 is bottlenecking my GTX 460.Phenom ii x4 960 deneb 3.5 GHz... pretty sure it is bottlenecking my system.
Are you sure you should build a PC? It may end up covered in urine one morning... again...Is there any way we could have a competition to build me a new computer?
Are you sure you should build a PC? It may end up covered in urine one morning... again...
A 970 won't bottleneck a 460. A 970 could take a 750 Ti with no sweat (well maybe with a 4.0 Ghz OC, and a good air cooler could do that easily)If a 970 is bottlenecking a 460. Then dear God I got a 960 bottlenecking the heck out of my 560 lol might be upgrade time in the near future...
What graphics card do you have? My Phenom II x4 is running at 3.4 GHz with an overclocked 550 ti and I have no issues.Preston is the the one with the 970 bottleneck. Talk to that man lol. But I know for sure I'm bottlenecking somewhere and I think it is almost past expiration.. starting to struggle.
Like what kind of problems? Have you tried updating the driver? Maybe it's a bad card and it should be RMA'ed if it's been iffy since day one.560 ti lots of problems as well. Have since the day I got it.