The magic binds


|K3| Member
So many of the new guys may be wondering how some of the older guys can shoot so quickly. Some of the guys in the server can sprint and then instantly shoot and aim down sights. Some people can fire a bolt sniper like it was dragonuv.

Here is how it is done:

You can bind multiple commands to a single button press. Doing so looks something like this:

/bind MOUSE4 "weapnext;wait 5;weapnext"

Now, what does this command do? It changes weapons twice, bringing you back to your original weapon. It does it VERY fast, however. What does this allow you to do?

1. You can cancel the reload animations of weapons to shorten the reload time. Just work out the timing on your own.
You'll know you've done it correctly when you press RELOAD and nothing happens. Many of you probably already do this by sprinting, which cancels the animation. However, with this bind, you can fire immediately after the reload cancel, whereas with the default buttons, you must wait for the sprint action to finish.
2. If you are sprinting and you press this button, it will instantly STOP your sprint, allowing you do do anything you could normally do INSTANTLY if you were standing still. This means that you can fire instantly after pressing this button, even with the sprint button held down. This will allow you to shoot before ANYONE without this bind, as they will have to deal with the sprint cooloff time (this is the time after you stop sprinting before you can fire/throw grenade/ aim down sights).
3. You can cancel the bolt action animations of sniper rifles and the pump animations of the pump shotty, bringing you back to a neutral stage. Basically, you can skip the bolt action and fire again instantly, allowing you to fire faster than having Double Tap equipped, without having that perk.

Now this bind can be added to:

/bind MOUSE4 "weapnext;wait 5;weapnext;toggleads"

The command added to the end of the string brings up your iron sights. What this allows you to do is completely cancel the end-sprint animation and go right to iron sights, allowing you to aim down sights faster than anyone without this bind. It also allows you to fire the bolt action sniper rifles from full hardscope faster than having double tap. You will have to mess around with the timing on your own.

Tip - You can cancel the bolt action and pump action as soon as you hear the sound of it.

In the same train of thought, quite a few scripts can be made to bypass a lot of the game's restrictions, allowing you to gain advantage over other players. You can put a lot of power into a single button press. For instance, there are players in K3 who have binds that fire 2 or 3 shots in rapid succesion for every button press. This lets them fire semiauto weapons much faster than any ordinary person with an ordinary set-up with great ease.

There ya go!


|K3| Member
I must add that it is entirely possible to perform the same actions above without using scripts, however it takes practice in a lot of cases, and it won't be done as quickly. Also, without the scripts there is the room for human error and the difference in skill levels.

It is fairly easy to tell whether a script is being used or not.

I also must mention that these scripts aren't allowed in quite a few competitive playing scenarios. Some pb servers also ban for them (punkbuster can check your config). In some promod servers, these scripts are allowed. However, one cannot fire the sniper rifle as fast using the scripts, and there are other limitations in place not found in Stock CoD (normal play).


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive


|K3| Member
By the way, I didn't make this thread to say that the people who use these binds are bad or are bad players. That's stupid and crazy.

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
I know for a fact that my weapon switch is bound to MWHEEL UP. It looks very much like the weapnext bind. Once you get good at it, it's essentially the same thing.


|K3| Moderator
Recruitment Team
The semi fire one =
bind Mouse1 "+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2;+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2;+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2"
Any semi auto weapon turns pretty much automatic.

As for the weaponswitch bind, I binded it to the mouse wheel button. I press it with my middle finger just before the left mouse button for firing. It took patience and a lot practice to time it just right.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Member
Cant be arsed! plus y'all confused me with da tech speak! Ill just tootle along with the default stuff I guess!;)


|K3| Moderator
Cant be arsed! plus y'all confused me with da tech speak! Ill just tootle along with the default stuff I guess!;)
It doesn't give as much of an advantage as people make themselves believe anyway so you aren't missing out on much anyway.

Other than the rapid fire. That shit is truly ridiculous.


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive
The semi fire one =
bind Mouse1 "+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2;+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2;+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 2"
Any semi auto weapon turns pretty much automatic.

As for the weaponswitch bind, I binded it to the mouse wheel button. I press it with my middle finger just before the left mouse button for firing. It took patience and a lot practice to time it just right.
Definitely illegal on our servers.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Member
It doesn't give as much of an advantage as people make themselves believe anyway so you aren't missing out on much anyway.

Other than the rapid fire. That shit is truly ridiculous.

Well maybe Ill take a look at that Preston - good with the deagle then?
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