Promod Server 2.16 is up!


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
People are complaining because there's no killcam.

What do you guys think? Should we add it?


Former Krew Member
I still don't think so. The reason they want it is cuz they think the other players are hacking when they aren't.


|KKK|'s Storyteller
Former Krew Member
I really don't mind, I'd think it would be kinda cool having them, but it's not a must. :happy:


Former Krew Member
But as Preston said, killcams don't show what happens before it, so they might see the enemy already before the killcam.
Furthermore, sounds also play in a key factor in Promod, people call hacks just because the other person possibly have a really good headset and can hear enemies running from the other side of the map


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
People call hacks when someone is better than them and kick their ass. They need some justification for it other than they just aren't as good.


|K3| Member
Killcams or no killcams there are going to be hackusations. Having them on don't make them any more common either. It all just depends on who you're playing against.


Former Krew Member
I'm going to stand by what Preston has said about killcams:

Because you only see a few seconds on the killcam, people won't know that you actually saw them before they see you get a possibly fishy kill.
It just leads to a lot of fucktards calling h4x on people who aren't actually hacking.
And thus, flame wars begin.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I was spectating promod for a few mins an hour or so ago. A couple of players were calling hacks on the top scorers who weren't hacking as far as i could see. People are just going to call them regardless.

As the princess said, I think Killcams would just lead to more :bs:


Double Nature
Former Krew Member
If you get any response from b3 from your commands.

Sometimes it works but sometimes it takes a round or 2 before b3 responds.
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