CF is light and stiff, hence the use in bike frames, some race car bodies, etc. etc. (so many uses for it, yet I can't think right now).
road cars use it as well. the last Aston Martin car used it for a the chassis as well as the body
CF is light and stiff, hence the use in bike frames, some race car bodies, etc. etc. (so many uses for it, yet I can't think right now).
thos look awesome!!! i would totally bye those if i played >_<
Any idea on what kind of pickups you're going to put into the electric?
i guess it could be that the pickup are done with the order or left to the customer to sort out. that way they get the ones that are right for the sort of thing they wish to use it for but yes i guess most of it is going to be rock music
Wow! It's starting to look real fine! Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the final product.