First off, i don't understand why you care what we think about you, or why you bother to play our servers at all when you have such an obvious dislike for anything KKK related.
You can try and spin what you said in your post any way you want, but i read the chat logs, I've seen Pm's you've sent in the past as well as hateful visitor messages, I've seen what's been said in 24/7 etc.
Your chat on A1 that i read in the logs would never in of itself warrant a ban , but knowing how you are and how you conduct yourself, it would just continue and get worse and worse. I , nor anyone else here, owe you zero explanations after your behavior here, but unlike some other clans, we actually ban for the proper reasons and give you the courtesy of an explanation.
What further pisses me off about your actions is the fact most people here always supported you, welcomed you to our forums and servers, and at one point made a thread for you being player of the month despite your repeated borderline spawn camping. Instead of being gracious and reasonable, you instead chose to go on some sort of anti KKK crusade trashing us at every opportunity and resorting to petty, baseless insults.
You've been heard, the ban will stay and you may move along. Why a grown man is so obsessed with a place he supposedly can't stand is beyond me. Grow up Mohammed.