Wow what a dick. Sorry about your lunch wally. Lol actually this reminds me of a story from work. We have a mechanic here at the airport (keeps out vehicles running etc). His name is Vern. At his old job they had a fridge in their break room. Everyday he would bring in some Iced tea to drink. By the end of the day he usually had 1/3 of his tea left so he would put it in the fridge for the next day. When he would come back the next day, it would be gone. At first he didn't think much of it. But after the 2nd and 3rd day in a row of his tea disappearing he started to get a little mad. He talked to the general manager about it, but that didn't seem to do anything. After about 2 weeks of his tea going missing he decided to take action. At the end of the following day he took his tea with him to the restroom, and took a giant piss into his tea bottle. It was about a 50/50 shot of tea and piss. He then put it back in the fridge. The following day he found the bottle emptied again. The guy drank his "tea" lmfao. Oh god I can only imagine what was going through that guy's head.