My whole school is made up of drug dealing, shank-baring, gun shooting, ghetto bullies. Luckily, I stay away from them.
I'm happy that I am popular with the crowd, so I don't get picked on.
LOL.... where you live again? You live in the ghetto? Just because black people go to your school, doesn't mean they are all from the ghetto...........
Try going to a Southwest Baltimore City School.
And no, most bullies are just people who are social whores who have an edge and pick on the weak. They aren't just jealous. They just have it easy, will probably continue to have it easy, and there's nothing really anyone can do about it. You can stand up to bullies, but it's not like people who are bullied don't try. It's near impossible for the bullied to rise above the bullies. They don't have bigger balls or anything, they are just.... bullies.
IMO, the only way to stop a bully and safeguard your social position while in middleschool or something like that is to kick the shit out of a bully, fair and square, and make sure you get the story out first to everyone about why he got his ass kicked (because he's a d-bag). If i could go back and change one thing about how i dealt with bullies in middleschool (i was bullied probably more than every single person here, except maybe d.wolf), I would have found the right time when I felt justified (when I was getting picked on hard), and I woulda gotten something hard, and smacked one of my bullies upside the head with it. I woulda gotten on top of him and yelled that he better make sure to stop fucking with me (in a dramatic and charismatic way, of course).
May not be the idealists solution, but it really is the most realistic.
Also keep in mind, that if you have that one friend who truly likes you, even if you are bullied, it's not that bad. Yea, getting picked on sucks, but you can still turn away and take it as bullying. For all you people who really are social pariahs (people who have NO friends), I understand it's a LOT worse, especially when your family isn't there for you, either. That is the actual serious situation where bullying can take its real toll.
So go out and make a friend, even if you don't feel worthy, and even if you fail the first time or two. It sucks to be bullied and when "everyone hates you," but it doesn't mean it's true. It really doesn't mean you can't have friends.