How Stupid are Americans???


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
I mean, watch this video of Obama saying that he WILL bypass Congress to get whatever it is done that he wants to do, and these idiotic morons in the background actually cheer for this dictatorship of America by chanting "yes you can, yes you can"!!!

Does anyone on this forum agree with what Obama is doing here? I mean do you agree that the president can bypass Congress or any of the other "powers" in our government to get what he wants done? If there is no Congress, there is no separation of powers which is the very definition of our Constitution and is the EXACT meaning of a dictatorship, and any of you that says this is not a dictatorship are impossible to convince even with proof...

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|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
This is insane. We have checks and balances for a reason. Congress is there to KEEP the president for doing stuff like this. What is the United States coming to?


1. Republicans are guilty of everything Olberman claims Obama may or may not have done.
2. During his inauguration speech Obama didn't make the mistake, the person reading TO him messed it up so they later re-did it later to avoid the appearance of a mistake.
3. Kieth Olberman is a god damned lying piece of shit. Fk him.

His only skill is misrepresenting the facts to further his agenda.

PS The only person telling the truth out there is Jon Stewart:

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I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
The thread title is misleading. Not all Americans are stupid; just a lot of them.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
The title is not misleading, and it didn't mean that ALL American's are stupid, did I say that?

The part you said "just a lot of them" is the part that I was after, I should have made it more clear for the "non" Americans lol.

Yes to the Dude it is Fascism which is what I've been saying for awhile now, and to Paige yes checks and balances IS what keeps American what it use to be, but now you asked what are we coming to?... well that would be the USSA (United Socialist States of America)


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Calling the United States a fascist country that is heading towards socialism is preposterous. Calling the president a dictator based on a few sound bytes taken out of context is also preposterous and very short sighted. In the clips i heard, he said "some folks want me to bypass congress". In the other he said "well i can't". Seems like quotes taken out of context to cater to and be a rallying cry for people of a certain singular mindset. Is he the only president to issue an executive order? :smh:

That is one of the glaring issues of politics and things in general. People trying to distort and slant things to fit their own agendas. Sad.
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|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
That's true D. And most of the time anything you hear is one sided. Politics is such a pain, I'm really not looking forward to voting and such. This is just one big mess.


Former Krew Member
PS The only person telling the truth out there is Jon Stewart:

I love him and Colbert! Even though they do make it funny...they actually have some sense.

The media is ghey when it comes to things like this...
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|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
Ask the Germans how this worked for them::


When you act like mindless sheep, bad things happen


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Certainly true Houston!

Look the main thing for me is that I want America to be America, not like Houston said to be Germany (in the Hitler days), we all know how badly that ended...


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yeah wow, it's amazing how people spin things, dictators are dictators right? What part of that do you not understand?
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