I play guitar. I also study it. I also am extremely self critical and this does not interfere with my love for music or the instrument. I AM legitimately opinionated about guitar, however. I am asking who your favorite guitarist is. There is really almost no way to guage the "best" guitarist out there. Many of you probably think I am a music snob. That's okay. People identify with music so intensely that this is understandable. You probably have many misconceptions about me, as well. My favorite kind of music right now is "jazz," although I listen to ALL types of music. I try all the time to expand my ear and mind. If you don't like a whole genre, it's probably your fault for not understanding it (not knowing what to look for). Almost every genre has something about it that is developed and key to it's proficiency. In pop (such as britney sprears) it's usually the flawless dance routine and the production value of the music. If you go to see a spears show, it will be EXACTLY like the cd, and it will have GREAT sound quality, PLUS the show will be a completely coreographed thing (like cirque de so le).
In jazz, the production value isn't so great. Got a lot of poor unsigned musicians. The thing jazz excels at is melodlic and harmonic beauty. Everyone is intereacting and improvising with each other all the time. The drummer and the bassist are coordinating non-verbally. If you listen enough, you will learn to look for these kinds of things. The pianist or guitarist is listening to the soloist for what chord to play. There is already a set chord progression, but it is malleable. If the pianist hears the soloist playing something different, they have to react and play the right chord with the right notes stacked the right way (and it's not the RIGHT chord, it's just the chord they want for a given sound). The music is completly in the hands of the players, and the goal is to have complete control over the sound they produce.
In blues, the goal is to have screaming "emotional" solos. There is no control over the chords. The chords are played the same way and the rhythm section has a set thing to play so that the soloist doesn't have to deal with spontaneous change and can play these blues solos unrestricted by such a hard thing to deal with.
The list goes on. It's a long discussion.
Anyway, taking all I know and can HEAR into consideration, my favorite guitarist is still
Jimi Fucking Hendrix
He simply appeals to me. he's not a great technician (and do not confuse technical ability with musicianship. When I say someone is a better guitarist, i do not just mean 'technically'') He's really not a great technician. I am probably better technically at guitar than hendrix, but it doesn't mean I don't revere the dude more than I will ever respect my own playing. he's a fucking god. I just like his music. He's not a great guitarist. He's just a soulful dude with enough guitar skills to make the music he made. If he was better at guitar, his music would have been different. I may or may not have liked it. Doesn't matter. What's done is done. I love his music to death. He will always be an inspiration to me.
What are your thoughts?
In jazz, the production value isn't so great. Got a lot of poor unsigned musicians. The thing jazz excels at is melodlic and harmonic beauty. Everyone is intereacting and improvising with each other all the time. The drummer and the bassist are coordinating non-verbally. If you listen enough, you will learn to look for these kinds of things. The pianist or guitarist is listening to the soloist for what chord to play. There is already a set chord progression, but it is malleable. If the pianist hears the soloist playing something different, they have to react and play the right chord with the right notes stacked the right way (and it's not the RIGHT chord, it's just the chord they want for a given sound). The music is completly in the hands of the players, and the goal is to have complete control over the sound they produce.
In blues, the goal is to have screaming "emotional" solos. There is no control over the chords. The chords are played the same way and the rhythm section has a set thing to play so that the soloist doesn't have to deal with spontaneous change and can play these blues solos unrestricted by such a hard thing to deal with.
The list goes on. It's a long discussion.
Anyway, taking all I know and can HEAR into consideration, my favorite guitarist is still
Jimi Fucking Hendrix
He simply appeals to me. he's not a great technician (and do not confuse technical ability with musicianship. When I say someone is a better guitarist, i do not just mean 'technically'') He's really not a great technician. I am probably better technically at guitar than hendrix, but it doesn't mean I don't revere the dude more than I will ever respect my own playing. he's a fucking god. I just like his music. He's not a great guitarist. He's just a soulful dude with enough guitar skills to make the music he made. If he was better at guitar, his music would have been different. I may or may not have liked it. Doesn't matter. What's done is done. I love his music to death. He will always be an inspiration to me.
What are your thoughts?