Michele Bachmann dropped from the race


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
After the Iowa Caucus, in her home state, Michele Bachmann has decided the Presidential race isn't something she can win. A straw poll placed her as the most likely to win; however, in the end, she ended up in last place with a meager 1% of the votes.

She made a last minute tour of the 99 counties in Iowa in hopes that it would raise her chances of coming out victorious. She also told reporters prior to the caucus that if she didn't win, she would still continue in the race, as she had already funded her next campaign trip to South Carolina.



Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yeah this didn't surprise me a bit, only because I've been watching the debates for a few months now and she was close to last in about all of them.

I know that doesn't really mean anything because they can all make a come back, I'm still rooting for Ron Paul as I believe he is the only person on stage that can truly start to change America back to what it was suppose to be, and I think Romney or Santorum would be basically like voting Obama back in. I could be wrong but they have way to much dirt on both of them.


|K3| Member
Ron Paul is cool except he has a lot of unrealistic economical views. But yea, Ron seemed to win a lot of votes from the intellectual groups of voters. Michelle is just a crazy bitch at the head of a crazy person reactionary movement. Fuck that bitch lol.


Former Krew Member
W00T, Still no woman president! Lol, she had no idea how to run a campaign.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
She had no idea about anything. If she had been elected. I would have rage quit America. I'm so not ready to vote yet though. But from what I've seen (only a few of the debates) he could have potential.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Deluded and unrealistic, how so?

I was just asking because in order for this nation to turn around we must have drastic and "unrealistic" changes right?, or do you not agree.

You can look at the past voting records, flip-flopping, etc... on all the candidates and only RP has stood up for the same thing every time, he's consistent in what he believes in and what he stands for, and that's the Constitution and the liberty of the American people.


|K3| Member
flip flopping isn't a bad thing. It means that if the person is confronted with evidence they should change their mind, they will change it. You just have to look at how and when they do so to make sure. It can also be a bad sign. Meaning they will just change their position to please others, or for money...etc.

No we need realistic changes. Drastic, yes... unreaslitic, no. Ron Paul's economic views seem idealistic, but not realistic.
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