Whats your favorite top 5 games of all time?


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
my top 5 favorite games are
1.cod 4
2.metroid nintendo ds
4.metal gear solid 4
5.shamanking nintendo ds


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I sucked so bad at Unreal Tournament 2004. This was way back though when i didn't game much on the PC, so i sucked at everything.


1:metal gear solid 1
2:metal gear solid 4
3:metal gear solid 3
4:call of duty 4
5:grand theft auto san andreas


Former Krew Member
MMMM...tough one.

I have to say:

1. Oblivion - Elder Scrolls IV
2. Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
3. Commander Keen and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure by Apogee (These were DOS pc games WAAYYY back in the day)
4. N-64's Mario Kart
5. Crysis


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
2-metal gear solid (the whole series)
3-Fallout New Vegas
4-oblivion elder scrolls 4
5-cod 4



Second Lieutenant
Member of the Year
Not an easy one this, but here goes anyway

1. Call of duty 4:Modern warfare. What can i say, everybody loves this

2. Silent hill. Still freaks me out sometimes

3. Gran Turismo. Mucho racing goodness

4. Medal of honor:Allied assault. Anyone remember trying to get up the beach on d-day?

5.Carrier Comand (old strategy game from the days of the Atari st and Commodore Amiga)

I could easily name a bunch of others, but these are the top 5


Twat Hammer
hmm well i guess in no real order id have to say

cod4 .. Grand theft auto san andreas ... On ps2.. I used to come home from work get stoned and play this all gd night... Madden football...twisted metal 2.. Again this game was so gd fun i would smoke pot and play it for hours and i fkn owned especially with spectre woooooooooot!... I dunno what else i liked medal of honor a lot and mlb the show for my ps3.

i fuckin loved twisted metal 2
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