Clarification of the Spawn Camper rule put into place


|K3| Member
I will be removing spawncampers as well. Before we let this get further off track, let's get this clear. Spawncamping is not allowed on our server. Spawncamping will not be allowed on our server from this point on, either.

With the amount of people we have on our server, you cannot expect never to get spawnkilled. In fact, you should be expecting to get spawnkilled a fair amount. It's just how the game works, whether there are actual spawncampers or not. The highest scorers on server 1, almost without exception, have learned to maximize spawnkills without necessarily spawncamping, and there is simply nothing we can do or will do about it. Having said this, it is understandable how much people yell 'spawncamper" in our servers, without having taken the time to actually spectate for a while. Most of the time, to my dismay (and to other mods dismay) we run into server 1, torches and pitchforks in hand, ready to ban, and there is no spawncamper. The person is doing just what I mentioned previously. Call it what you will (spawnkilling, spawntrolling), we can't kick for it because it's just too vague of an offense. So, I doubt you guys realize how much easier it is to just scream "spawncamper" at every hint of one than it is to actually find that guy and make sure you're right.

Now, when there is an obvious spawncamper who is just racking up the spawnrapes and closing off a spawn, obviously our mods will notice and kick/temp ban/perm ban (as necessary) when they are available and the guy is brought to their attention. Most of you who are not mods are probably very eager to become mods because you assume that it would be great to just be able to kick these fools. It is. What's not great is that you HAVE to kick these fools, and most of the time you end up sifting throguh server 1, chasing after some "spawncamer" alert, only to come up with nothing to post in the staff bans or temp bans section, and 5 minutes less play time on the server, only to find that when you are done this process, it's time to do it again.

This rule is only meant to ease that problem. It is meant to allow mods to exercise a little more discretion over when to go chasing after spawncampers (most of the time they aren't really making much of a problem at all, and it's only 1 or 2 people complaining) so that the duty of being a mod does not decrease the quality of play to the point that mods simply avoid coming on as much. So while mods are not forced to heed the remarks of every boy that cries wolf on our shout and in game, they will still be kicking the big bad trouble makers as they see them. I assure you that when I am on, spawncampers will get dealt with just as harshly as before.

I hope this clears it up for you people who have never moderated before. Get back on topic.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ----------

Wtf mate....?
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Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I think your post explained it quite well. It deserved its own thread. :)


Private First Class
Well said. What looks like it might be a spawn rape from your side may very well be innocent. The only way to tell for sure is to spec them, I ran into this alot in the servers that I have admined.


|K3| Member
Not really innocent, tbh, it's nooby and an exploitation of the game, but it's not gonna change and there's nothing we can do about it. When you know the spawns that well, it's tough not to play that way. There are certainly players (slaya, Con Felon, Cent0, sometimes myself) who exploit it to the max in order to win. The players you see winning consistently or with really great KDRs are almost without exception exploiting this. Again, nothing can be done, and nothing will be done.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Yeah, this deserved it's own thread, it was probably the only post in the original thread that made it clear what was happening.


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
This is BS. Mods are just gonna get more lazy. They are gonna go from right now say, "It is just a spawn camper I will be there in a minute" and never showing up. Now it is gonna be, "A spawn camper whatever they are allowed." It is anarchy not only will we lose players, but we will lose rep. Our krew is based on these rules and if we remove them it is no longer the Kaptain Krunch Krew, it is the Krazy (Spawn) Kamping Krew. We need to shape up and if a mod is too lazy to do a 5 minute spec then they shouldn't be a mod. You need to grow up and spend five minutes doing something other then jacking off. When you applies/accepted mod position you agreed to protect the krew rules. Not only does removing a rule due to laziness hurt the krew, the fact that we will be kicking for a rule that doesn't exist hurts the krew as well.


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
Silo, until now I never realized just how big of a dickhole you really were...



Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
This is BS. Mods are just gonna get more lazy. They are gonna go from right now say, "It is just a spawn camper I will be there in a minute" and never showing up. Now it is gonna be, "A spawn camper whatever they are allowed." It is anarchy not only will we lose players, but we will lose rep. Our krew is based on these rules and if we remove them it is no longer the Kaptain Krunch Krew, it is the Krazy (Spawn) Kamping Krew. We need to shape up and if a mod is too lazy to do a 5 minute spec then they shouldn't be a mod. You need to grow up and spend five minutes doing something other then jacking off. When you applies/accepted mod position you agreed to protect the krew rules. Not only does removing a rule due to laziness hurt the krew, the fact that we will be kicking for a rule that doesn't exist hurts the krew as well.

Most Staff Members that have been doing this since the rule was implemented are fed up with BS accusations. If they go in the server for nothing multiple times; it's gonna get old.

I'm trying to keep our Staff Members happy to come to our forum and servers. If they have no playing time whatsoever, they're gonna leave us.

I had to find a median for everyone. The rule is still in effect. Win-win for everyone.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I completely agree with Dude, like the others have said you explained it very well.
As for Silo, apparently you didn't read what he said. I don't know where you get
some of the shit you say but maybe you need to REALLY read what has been posted
before you make a comment.

Besides that, even when people are spawn camping that doesn't necessarily drive others
off the server. Yes they do bitch and complain about it, but most stick around and keep
playing. I've seen it over and over. And as Wally said, false accusations get really old
really quick. Believe me you would understand if you were a mod.


I think temp bans for spawn camping don't need to be reported in the forums that's way to tedious and takes away from game time for the mod. Im not saying for any temp ban/kick you don't post just the ones for spawn camping (usually there just kicked out for 30mins or a few days) and won't come to the forums to dispute it, if they do well just say "spawncamping" if it's not in the forums and leave it at that lock the thread let them wait. I personally trust the mods on TEMP BANS (not bans *cough cough* :) ) So i don't know just a thought again i seem to be giving allot of useless suggestions today =)


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Trust me, the 15 or less seconds it takes to post a temp ban isn't our problem. The BS spawn camper accusations is the time waster.


Trust me, the 15 or less seconds it takes to post a temp ban isn't our problem. The BS spawn camper accusations is the time waster.

Ahahaha, ah well nothing you can do about noobs who run around like chickens with their heads cut off screaming SPAWN CAMPER!


what is here the definition of spawncamping? I can imagen that when the only thing you do is pointing at a spawnplace and doesn't move is called excesive spawncamping and will be reported (in the shout) but what about the other cases when no spawnplace is in direct view ( but closeby) or erea-camping(running around on the same piece of ground of the map), like some-one else noticed i know almost all spawnplaces and check mostly those first.
What is aloud by one adm can be a reason for a ban by an other adm.
For me it isn't clear what is seen as spawncamping and what not.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
There really isn't a perfect system to identify it but the Staff are handling it quite well, IMO. I say this because there hasn't been much appealing regarding SCers.
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