Advice Column


Second Lieutenant
Devil's advice :say yes to drugs smoke garbage if ran out of money drink your own blood !

God's advice :Yes to bible, kill anyone whos doesn't read it, kill anyone who's not christian

Tony's advice : Don't listen to both of them


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Nowhere in the bible does it say kill nonbelievers, and seeing as all your religions are based off of mine... Don't kill me. (enough people have tried to kill of us Jews anyway)


|K3| Member
Nowhere in the bible does it say kill nonbelievers, and seeing as all your religions are based off of mine... Don't kill me. (enough people have tried to kill of us Jews anyway)

I think Christianity is based off Christ. All the core beliefs are from that. Judaism focuses way more on dogma and a strict set of rules. The 10 commandments have much different meaning when explain through Christ.

This, however, has nothing to do with whether people kill in the name of their religion. People who practice christianity are almost always ignorant of most of the stories in the Bible, they don't even necessarily go to church, they just arbitrarily believe in a god. They are like sheep, the shepards are the ones in power and the ones who have read the bible to the degree that they can reword it for their own benefit. That's when the killing starts. There's lots of killing backed by the Mandate of God.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
So... You do realize that Jesus himself was a Jewish scholar, that broke off to form his own sect, bang his teachings entirely on the Torah(Jewish bible)?

While many killings happen inthe name of religion, that does not mean that the laws of that particular religion condone such killings.


|K3| Member
So... You do realize that Jesus himself was a Jewish scholar, that broke off to form his own sect, bang his teachings entirely on the Torah(Jewish bible)?

While many killings happen inthe name of religion, that does not mean that the laws of that particular religion condone such killings.

I didn't say they did.

His teachings are not based at all entirely on the Torah.
Many of the teachings of christianity conflict with beliefs of Judaism. Also, the religion is based on the teachings of christ, not on the dogma of the torah.
Looking at the other numerous religions whose stories parallel all 3 of the books worshiping Yaweh, I find it hard to say that just having that parellel means it's based on Judaism.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
The teachings of Christ are based on the Torah. He even recycled and reused the Torah, calling it the old testament.


My advice is to not read advice columns.

But you are reading, or you wouldn't have your eyes on these words.

My advice to is to stop reading.


I said stop! It is pointless to go on.

See if you can understand it any better this way.

Yammer yammer yammer yammer yammer.

Do you understand the poinlessness of reading this?

Yet here you are at the finish, having got yourself precisely nowhere.
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