Which online player gives you a run for your money?


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
it's an absolutely retarded metaphor or simile whatever I didn't pay attention during poetry class


Former Krew Member
Slaya is back :) Thedude and Cent0 are some of the best snipers I have ever seen, but its not a sniper only server I would have to say VoX


Former Krew Member
Hey everyone!! Hope you all have been doing good... I just had a free moment and thought I would pop in to see what's new/different around here these days! I saw this thread and thought it would be a good one to post on . . . Thanks to those of you who mentioned my name even though I'm not around much anymore :) Well, as far as a nemesis goes, I have a list. There were people who could beat me every time I played with them, and some just some of the time, and others I was similar skill level with. Much of how I regarded people as skilled players was with regard to their sniping skill because that was what I consumed a lot of my time with.

1. Slaya - We had some epic sniping battles together which usually resulted with Slaya winning.
2. Wally - All around good player...kinda sucks at sniping though ;) haha
3. Cent0 - Excellent at sniping...
4. Convicted Felon and Edgeshot are good on s1 from what I remember... I had trouble beating them on there.

I'm sure I'm missing some people...It's been quite a long time now so I can't remember clearly who was problematic for me.

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