Well pwn I'm certainly thankful that you don't have control over the internet or this website because I'm sure you would have banned me by now. But telling me that I should not have an opinion on politics is your own bias opinion and quite frankly you can shove it, well you know where. I never tell you crap like that at all, telling you that you should not have your freedom of speech even though I disagree with you on your progressive opinion, and yet you keep telling me to basically "shut my mouth". I don't know where the hell you get your research or where you got your degree from, and really don't give a shit either, but that's just messed up that you would say that.
Now, about Fox News, I've told you time and time again that I don't watch Fox News anymore. Secondly, what do you consider an American? Someone that doesn't obey the Constitution even though he swore an oath that he would uphold and follow it? Someone that passes Bills left and right to put our country to our knees while our currency is devaluing at an imaginable rate and forcing us to do what this tyrannical government whats. What about when Obama told "Joe the plummer" that it's better to spread the wealth, you want our government taking way your money that you earned and give it to the poor people, that's fkin socialism. Cap and Trade Bill is another good example, take from the rich industrial companies in the USA and give to the poor nations. By doing this it will lower our standard of living while raising the other nations which eventually makes everyone level. How do you think that the USA got to be the most prosperous nation in the world and how our dollar became the world reserve currency, it sure as hell wasn't through socialism.
These are a very few reasons I said that Obama is Anti-American, not to mention that there is no proof at all that he's even a US born citizen, but I'm sure you believe he is though just like you believe that global warming is real, which is a whole other story by itself.
How about the global elites that run the entire world through international banks? You ever heard of the Bilderburg Group, or the Rockerfeller's? These people basically own the world because of the massive debt they have created in countries that are falling. The all have the same agenda and that is world government, is that something you really want? You want a global currency that replaces everything else, thumb and eye scanners just to go grocery shopping? What about the weather modification programs they have, if you don't believe me on that look up HAARP and see what it really is.
Anyways, the point of this reply is for you back off from me and let me have my space. You believe what you want and I believe what I want, that's your personal choice and I'm not telling you to stfu and get my facts straight. How do you know your facts are even true? The media is a corporate media that has received billions of dollars from the government, you really believe they are going to tell you the truth instead of what the government wants you to hear? Come on get real and you get your shit straight, don't be coming here and tell me to stfu and keep to myself, I hear that enough from our Obama regime and I sure as hell ain't taking it from you.