Let's Talk Obama!


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
dude, i think this thread was a mistake.... you shouldnt have done it


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
For one, you should have known better than what you said below...

lol...... i wonder how long before this thread becomes a raging argument. Maybe it will stay just spammy. Hopefully spam.

And two, I know that Mexico is a 3rd world nation and that is exactly why I said what I did, because America is heading in the same direction to become a 3rd world nation as well. I think the first thing that will happen is that our Dollar falls as being the world reserve currency, and what does this mean? It means that everything we pay for, from consumer goods to oil and gas will sky rocket. And the reason for this is that being the world reserve currency, means that everything in the world can be bought with US dollars at the moment, but if that changes then it means we will have to do the same as everyone else, which is to convert our currency to whatever their currency is and do you know how devalued our Dollar is right now?, it's going to take a LOT of Dollars to do this.

I also know that the president is not the only one in charge and that there are 3 branches of government, but what happens when all 3 of these branches are corrupt? In simple terms America has been taken over by global bankers, which is why we are in this mess to begin with. It's crazy to think that our own printing press (the Federal Reserve) is not even "Federal" and is not a branch of government, but owned my private global banks AND have the ability to print any amount of money they want, with no over sight. That in itself is a recipe for disaster and you should know it.

Like Brian said American is basically a consuming country and has been for years, and barely produce anything. Good example, remember when GM got that bailout from the government, what did they do? Well they turned around and built a manufacturing plant in guess where, not America but in Mexico!! The invested 540 Million in to new production in Mexico, way to go GM! Anyways I'm done ranting right now, going to head to work in a bit but I'm sure something else will be said, see what happens, lol.

---------- Post added at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 AM ----------

dude, i think this thread was a mistake.... you shouldnt have done it

I don't think so at all Nick, mainly being that for one it's in the right section, the politics section. And two, it gives everyone the ability to discuss politics which is a very hot topic now days, so yeah I think it's good that we can have these discussions. :D


Blu, I think you should be not allowed to have an opinion on anything related to politics.

So far, you are wrong about everything you say about politics, especially that I have been programmed by anyone.
I base my opinion on personal research, information gathering from independent and non-partisan sources and on my experience as a political science degree holder.

You, by comparison sound exactly like Fox "news" headlines spouting thoughtless partisan rhetoric based on 9 second blurbs designed to mislead the public to their own ends.

And to say that Obama is "Anti-American" is quite possibly the stupidest, most thoughtless and ignorant comment on politics I've ever heard.

Personally, I don't care what political opinion people have as long as they understand all the _facts_ and aren't just venting on a subject they are ignorant about.
But this retarded, knee-jerk reactionary ignorant spouting of Anti-Whatever doesn't deserve to be heard by anyone with a brain.

keep it to yourself until you get yourself educated on the subjects you claim to know anything about.


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
I dont like Obama because he has big ears and he's a smoker

BTW.. What happened to the 1st few posts in this thread??


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
The original thread was cleaned and the political posts were placed in its own thread in the proper section.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Pwn everyone here has a right to their own opinion whether you agree with it or not so you can't tell him to keep it to himself. Debating is a good thing cuz you always learn something new, good or bad. And about Obama being so good?? How can putting us in so much debt be good for the country? Surely you agree with this.. before he came into office our national debt was 10 trillion.. now it's over 14 trillion in just 2 years!! What happens when our GDP isn't enough to even pay for the interest on our loans?? What will these countries that we owe do when they want all their possessions back that we owe them? Just some things to think about.


|K3| Member
I didn't know you had a political science degree. So wait like...... you spent 4 years studying ALL of this?

And to be honest, that last post from blu was the only one i have seen in a while that had anything i thought of as a legitimate argument in it. I actually read it and learned something.

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Pwn everyone here has a right to their own opinion whether you agree with it or not so you can't tell him to keep it to himself. Debating is a good thing cuz you always learn something new, good or bad. And about Obama being so good?? How can putting us in so much debt be good for the country? Surely you agree with this.. before he came into office our national debt was 10 trillion.. now it's over 14 trillion in just 2 years!! What happens when our GDP isn't enough to even pay for the interest on our loans?? What will these countries that we owe do when they want all their possessions back that we owe them? Just some things to think about.

One thing that leads me to believe that some of you guys are not very realistic, informed, or generally logically sound, is that you see these things in black and white. Greg never said that obama was so good. I have on many occasions seen him complain about what obama is doing. He does NOT hold the opinion that Obama is the face of an evil communist organization set on sabotage democracy and attaining global power. Why? Because he knows the facts and, as a political science major, I am guessing he ACTUALLY knows what socialism is.

There is nothing in my posts that say I think obama is great either. Just because I disagree with you, it doesn't mean I am a member of this "other side" against which you are battling. In fact, the mindset that "if you aren't with us, youre against us" is kind of scary now in america. Im not with you , but to think that means I want to kiss obamas feet IS ignorant.

Also, when you talk about doing research, I hope it does not consist of simply finding a more "qualified" person who says whether obama is good or bad. Those arent facts, thats just some asshole telling you what your opinion is. RESEARCH would be like looking at the actual provisions of the healthcare bill, looking at the stocks and the market trends, looking at recent legislation and congressional minutes, looking at bios for all these people in our government, ...etc. THEN you make your own opinion. When you watch a news station where the reporters say ANYTHING like "so good job, hes great" it ceases to be news and becomes editorial.

Facts do not take sides.
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Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
To all you haters...


PS. you can nag all you want, but at the end of the day he's still gonna be in office for another 2 years (minimum).

PPS. Food for thought, the 4 trillion he's spent, some of it went to unemployment which if he hadn't done so, the US might of been far worse than what we really are. McCain's butt would of done it too, IMO.

PPPS. They should of gave me some of that unemployment money last year. ggggrrrr. No hard feelings towards anyone though.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Well pwn I'm certainly thankful that you don't have control over the internet or this website because I'm sure you would have banned me by now. But telling me that I should not have an opinion on politics is your own bias opinion and quite frankly you can shove it, well you know where. I never tell you crap like that at all, telling you that you should not have your freedom of speech even though I disagree with you on your progressive opinion, and yet you keep telling me to basically "shut my mouth". I don't know where the hell you get your research or where you got your degree from, and really don't give a shit either, but that's just messed up that you would say that.

Now, about Fox News, I've told you time and time again that I don't watch Fox News anymore. Secondly, what do you consider an American? Someone that doesn't obey the Constitution even though he swore an oath that he would uphold and follow it? Someone that passes Bills left and right to put our country to our knees while our currency is devaluing at an imaginable rate and forcing us to do what this tyrannical government whats. What about when Obama told "Joe the plummer" that it's better to spread the wealth, you want our government taking way your money that you earned and give it to the poor people, that's fkin socialism. Cap and Trade Bill is another good example, take from the rich industrial companies in the USA and give to the poor nations. By doing this it will lower our standard of living while raising the other nations which eventually makes everyone level. How do you think that the USA got to be the most prosperous nation in the world and how our dollar became the world reserve currency, it sure as hell wasn't through socialism.

These are a very few reasons I said that Obama is Anti-American, not to mention that there is no proof at all that he's even a US born citizen, but I'm sure you believe he is though just like you believe that global warming is real, which is a whole other story by itself.

How about the global elites that run the entire world through international banks? You ever heard of the Bilderburg Group, or the Rockerfeller's? These people basically own the world because of the massive debt they have created in countries that are falling. The all have the same agenda and that is world government, is that something you really want? You want a global currency that replaces everything else, thumb and eye scanners just to go grocery shopping? What about the weather modification programs they have, if you don't believe me on that look up HAARP and see what it really is.

Anyways, the point of this reply is for you back off from me and let me have my space. You believe what you want and I believe what I want, that's your personal choice and I'm not telling you to stfu and get my facts straight. How do you know your facts are even true? The media is a corporate media that has received billions of dollars from the government, you really believe they are going to tell you the truth instead of what the government wants you to hear? Come on get real and you get your shit straight, don't be coming here and tell me to stfu and keep to myself, I hear that enough from our Obama regime and I sure as hell ain't taking it from you.

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
I agree with you about Fox News. It is very one sided even though it calls itself "Fair and Balanced". It is the most balanced news organization, although it is very conservative minded. I try as much as I can to stay away from the one sidedness. It is quite hard to find a place that reports unbiased.


Fair enough blu,
All I'm saying is, I just wish people took more time to learn the issues. not just Obama sux and is Anti-American.
Mass media has so much negative influence over America and it's misleading people so I guess it's bothersome to see it first hand by people who are smart enough to know the facts.

Elected officials of both parties use the media to mislead the public in order to manipulate voters and that's just rotten.


|K3| Member
Like i have said in detail.....

The government is a bbusiness, elected officials are salesman, the higher up you go the closer to salesman they are.

Blu, as americans, it is our duty to exercise our freedoms of speech, thought, and belief to CHANGE the constitution if we disagree with it. I am not saying that I disagree with it. I am saying that our government gets it's power from the people, and it's our duty to keep it that way. That's what makes an American. Because you are in that position of power, it is your responsibility to learn as much as you can about whats really going on. This includes considering the possibility that your current beliefs are completely wrong. If one does not exercise self doubt, they are not responsible, and IMO they are not worthy of voting.

OK EDIT - It would be really nice if people posted factual data to support claims. I know I haven't done this, but I would really like to see the data from other people because I want to know wtf is actually going on. If you post bigass claims, it would be nice to have that data AND the source clearly identified, to the degree that we can all go research further and check the source.
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