Funny comments in shoutbox! :D


Former Krew Member
[17:45] DamageINC: 2 hits ill be baked for hours
New [17:45] DamageINC: gonna get my movies all ready to go
New [17:45] DamageINC: lol
New [17:46] DamageINC: ill be too high to work the remote


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
New [18:09] DamageINC: game better live up to the hype
New [18:09] joe momma: I think it will
New [18:09] joe momma: 14 fucking years of ideas compiled into 1 game
New [18:10] joe momma: if I dont jizz all overmyself playing it, I will be dissapoint
New [18:10] DamageINC: lol
New [18:10] fenix: lol
New [18:10] fenix: fucking virgins
New [18:10] fenix: aka joe


[10:19] Joe momma: god dude I'm loving this
[10:20] Joe momma: I feel freee
[10:20] Joe momma: So smooth too
[10:21] WaLLy: * WaLLy thinks Joe is talking about a dildo


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[13:17] AVC: so, what else is new?
[13:18] Joe momma: I got boobs crammed in my face the other day
[13:19] Joe momma: and I layed back on them like pillows and nearly took a nap
[13:19] AVC: :eek:
[13:24] IeditZ: Pics or it didn't happen!
[13:25] AVC: lol
[13:25] AVC: I concur
[13:25] AVC: Pics or ban, lol
[13:44] WaLLy: back
[13:44] WaLLy: I double-concur
[13:47] DamageINC: I can confrim, they were my boobs
[13:47] DamageINC: :giggle:
[13:49] WaLLy: :haha:


|K3| Member
[08:21] Joe momma: 218 pounds of man meat, wut now muthafuckaz
[08:21] DamageINC: 294 now for me
[08:21] Joe momma: feels better man
[08:21] DamageINC: w00t
[08:21] TheDude: now it's time for a big ass bowl of not caring
[08:21] TheDude: NOM NOM NOM NOM
[08:21] Joe momma: nice lol, layin off them porkshops?
[08:22] Joe momma: chops*
[08:22] TheDude: lol jks
[08:22] TheDude: that's good i guess. IDK where you all started
[08:22] Joe momma: I miss being able to eat cawk
[08:22] Joe momma: want*
[08:22] TheDude: joe misses being able to eat the cawk
[08:22] TheDude: whenever he wants

---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

[08:24] Joe momma: so dee's body fat waaaay outpaces mine
[08:24] PwnSauce: 5'11"
[08:24] TheDude: [08:22] Joe momma: I miss being able to eat cawk [08:22] Joe momma: want* [08:22] TheDude: joe misses being able to eat the cawk [08:22] TheDude: whenever he wants
[08:24] TheDude: LOL
[08:25] Joe momma: 8==========================D :eek:
[08:25] TheDude: more like :eek: c==8
[08:26] TheDude: his fat outpaces yours? like it's faster than your body fat?
[08:27] TheDude: LOL ^


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[12:14] WaLLy: I gotta get to sleep already
[12:14] WaLLy: need at leat 6 hours of sleep
[12:14] DamageINC: yea
[12:15] DamageINC: i slept all day so im good
[12:15] WaLLy: catch you tomorrow.
[12:15] WaLLy: we gotta continue on this yahoo commenting tomorrow
[12:15] DamageINC: now its night, ill go suck some blood

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
ScuLLy talking about a tornado which just recently happened...

[06:11] PwnSauce: can u imagine being caught in a hailstorm where the hail is like goldballs
[06:11] PwnSauce: you'd get beaten to death

[06:33] BeastMaster: Chain yourself, go upstairs, and play CoD

[07:15] DamageINC: watch out for flying cows


|K3| Member
[05:40] No Mercy: andrew when u get back can u tell the krew that i forgot my login to their site? and c if an admin can retrieve it?
[05:40] WaLLy: I'm still at work. I'll be back in a while.
[05:41] No Mercy: zavier said ^^
[05:41] No Mercy: oh
[05:41] WaLLy: Scully was here JUST LAST NIGHT
[05:41] TheDude: scully was here 4 horus ago
[05:41] MasterCLiP: he probably been using auto login and deleted his cookies
[05:41] No Mercy: i know
[05:41] No Mercy: he forgot it
[05:42] No Mercy: COOKIES
[05:42] No Mercy: NOOOOOO>>
[05:42] TheDude: what a moron lol
[05:42] WaLLy: He played zombies so I have no idea how he can forget his PW. Unless he fell off his tricycle this morning


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[07:18] PwnSauce: did'nt know we had a rule against alternate profiles
[07:18] DamageINC: no nesbitt
[07:18] DamageINC: we dont
[07:18] DamageINC: u rep giving mf
[07:18] DamageINC: :giggle:
[07:18] WaLLy: :lmao:
[07:18] PwnSauce: I am Mrs. Nesbitt!


[03:36] DamageINC: Code ur not buying anything unless its related to kirk!
[03:36] Code: I may getting a road bike before another guitar
[03:37] DamageINC: like a moto bike or pedal bike
[03:37] Code: pedal
[03:37] DamageINC: u want to spend money to excersise
[03:37] Code: my BP is up again, need exercise
[03:37] DamageINC: are u crazy
[03:37] Code: 174/109
[ [03:38] DamageINC: holy shit man
[03:38] DamageINC: thats high
[03:38] DamageINC: yea get a bike


[08:56] Epic: Okay, hold on let me choose a HD. Brand suggestion for 2tb?
[08:56] Joe momma: go with a 750gb western digital or a samsung spinpoint
[08:57] Joe momma: why do you need 2tb?
[08:57] Joe momma: 2tb hard drive is NOT in your budget
[08:59] AVC: 2tb = essential
[09:00] Joe momma: not at all avc lol
[09:00] Joe momma: hes a 12 year old boy, wtf is he gonna do with 2tb
[09:00] Joe momma: I have 750gb and I'm doing great
[09:01] Joe momma: year and a half later, still got 50 gigs left
[09:01] AVC: 12 yo boy? damn, he's gonna need 4tb, 2tb won't hold nearly enough pr0n for a 12yo
[09:01] DamageINC: if i had a pc @ 12 ida needed 30tb
Last edited by a moderator:


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
continued from above.

[9:01] DamageINC: instead i had a stack of porn mags 6 feet tall
New [9:02] Joe momma: If dee had access to the internet when he was a kid I think his penis would grow an arm and fap itself


Master Sergeant
[12:38] TheDude: netflix doesn't even have it's a wonderful life.
[12:39] TakeAway: What's netflix?
[12:41] TheDude: an online dating site
[12:41] TheDude: why?


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
[03:36] TheDude: ok
[03:36] TheDude: so
[03:36] TheDude: netflix
[03:37] TakeAway: Hi
[03:38] TheDude: netflix doesn't even have it's a wonderful life.
[03:39] TakeAway: What's netflix?
[03:41] TheDude: an online dating site
[03:41] TheDude: why?
[03:42] HBeta: lol
[03:47] TakeAway: You're on netflix?
[03:48] TheDude: yes
[03:48] TakeAway: Cool

dang it, Hbeta beat me to the punch!

edit #2:
he forgot the last part though :giggle:
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