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Lieutenant General
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The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
Haha well a picture is worth a thousand words.

By the way dude no I wouldn't give Obama the credit of putting all that in there. He didn't write most of it, but I'm willing to bet that he knew what was in it. Obviously he's not the entire problem, but as president a man becomes a scapegoat. The point is the president is supposed to represent the people. So far I'm seeing no evidence of this. In reality the president should be serving the people. Doing what's best for them. That doesn't mean bending to their every whim because people rarely want what's best for them. But what he's doing I think everyone that actually looks at what he's doing with an unprejudiced mind, should be able to admit that it's not in our best interests at all. That's the point I'm making. Power is not an end, rather the means to being able to serve one's country. But what is Obama doing with his power? Frankly I don't know what he's trying to do, all I know is that if what's coming is what I think is coming I don't want it.

Again I'm not saying that Obama is the guy doing everything anyway. I know it was we the people that voted him in I'm not blaming him for that. Ultimately it's whoever's been financing him that is the policy maker. But who's financing him? Well......no one knows!


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
People attach ridiculous things about taxation and a whole lot of red tape to these laws to benefit themselves. Obama has the best intentions for this country. When have you heard him say we need to spread the wealth around

Are you kidding me?? Don't you remember "Joe the plumber"? If you don't remember it the watch the video Here and just the last 10 secs of it has him clearly saying it.

What you guys need to realize about Obama is he is a Socialist Revolutionary, both of his parents were and ended up leaving him to join Socialist and Communist movements, he taught it while he was a professor and the church he attended for 20 yrs also had a Revolutionary Minister.

These things may not matter to most of you out there, especially the ones making fun of this thread instead of being serious about it, but you will hate it for example if they end up getting Cap and Trade passes, your electricity bills will sky rocket. Anyways as Dude said on the shout, I'm done with this thread because of the "fun" being made out of it, this is a too serious of a topic for me to have fun :(


The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
yeah and what people don't seem to get about the 250k thing is that the number is for revenue not profit. If people were making 250 a year gross profit, fine tax em no one needs that! But for small businesses 250k revenue isn't much. And most of that will go to upkeep and improving their business. In the end the person might get say 60k a year or something. But it's a long shot from 250. So now what this is going to do is discourage growth from the small businesses. They'll say, what's the point in being successful if I'm just gonna get the living daylights taxed out of me?

But yeah blu I wish people would take this seriously too.


|K3| Member
what im saying is every time obama wants to make something happen, there are gonna be people who he needs help from.

People in congress who need to vote on the bill, people who fund the various projects hes working on ... etc. Those people realize that they have a significant amount of power over obama, because without their support, he is not going to be able to get done what he wants. So these people will say, "sure i'll suport you, which will allow you to get this thing done, BUT in order for me to do that, you need to do ...." Obama then has to decide whether or not getting what he wants done is more important than NOT doing what those people want, such as NOT including certain things in the health care bill.

I DO think a public health care option would be very beneficial, and if done right, there is NO QUESTION that if would do lots of good things. The only problem is that this health care bill has so much other bullshit attached to it, just like EVERY OTHER BILL that gets passed. The more controversial the bill, the more power those people obama needs help from have. Obama REALLY wants to pass this bill, and those people can ask for me in return. My point in all this is, if obama wants to pass a bill like this, there is GOING to be a lot of other bullshit along with it. If he says, "No, were not including that," then the people he needs to vote for him will say "ok bud. Fuck you, youre not getting your bill passed." I hope this clears up what i was saying.
I am not going to argue that about the health care thing specifically. If anyone did any research they would find that SOME KIND of public health care option would do great things, not necessarily THIS kind.


|K3| Member
he just said hes taxing the revenue in addition to 250K, so lets say the guy makes 300K, the higher tax would only be on that 50K above 250K. I can understand your wory about this whole socialist thing, but the people who are funding obama, and the members of congress DO NOT want that. Large business DOES NOT want that. Those are the big players in our govt and i think there needs to be a balance of political and economic agendas for a capitalist nation to thrive.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Uhh dude, I don't know if you know this but the Health Care Bill has already been passed, along with Financial Reform. Now what he is trying to do is to get Cap and Trade passed (very bad deal there) and next will be Net Neutrality, which this will the regulate the very last thing we have now that is truly free, which is the Internet.

And about the people that are funding him... George Soros which is a multi-billionaire that is funding Obama, they both want what they call One World Government, and this is Socialism in itself but on a global scale, not just our nation. Another big player is Andy Stern, former chairman of SEIU, also a big time Socialist, do your homework on these guys if you don't believe me.

There are so many of them surrounding Obama it's scary, and the majority of them he put there himself, he elected these guys and had them placed there. You remember Van Jones, a former Advisor to the president, admitted he was a Communist and also had this speech about "give them the wealth"...

Give them the wealth

And about a Capitalist Nation, they are taking that away as we speak. These are people that do not believe in Capitalism and believe that it is what destroys a nation, and believe that Socialism and Communism is the answer. Capitalism relies on the people to make their own effort and support themselves, Socialism is when the Government controls every aspect of your life, and this is what the Progressives want, power, money and for you to have to depend on them to live.

All I'm trying to say is there is tons and tons of evidence all around us that proves these people in power including the president are Communist and Socialist Revolutionaries, with that being said hell yeah I am very worried about our country becoming a Socialist country, and it makes me damn angry >:(


|K3| Member
ya thats scary blu, i know the health care bill was passed, it was just the most significant and obvious bill i could use as an example. Again, im not arguing about the specifics of obama, what i am arguing is about the general workings of our political system.


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
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|K3| Media Team
can sum1 lock this topic? im all out of popcorn already and dont wanna get more :p i dont pay attention to this stuff normally, but u guys make it so interesting XD

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
holy jesus,
i never knew that this little topic would cause sooo much strife...
sorry :'(
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