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The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Though I really have no knowledge of politics, I have one thing to say.... I HATE OBAMA!!
If you disagree with me, I really don't care...

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
i've been indoctrinated by Rush limbaugh so i know that obama is raising taxes which will "Destroy the middle class"
I'm a conservative, so by nature, i'm against obama (Democrats in general)


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
I thought for sure something bad would have happened to Obama by now.. There was alot of stuff going on during the elections that we had to prepare for because he kept coming to Philly


The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
haha cent, you will learn that sometimes it's best NOT to let people know how dumb you are. :p

jk Cent. ;) On a serious note though, I'm really glad nothing's happened to Obama, simply because if he had been shot or something, it would have been done by a right wing super freak, and that would have made us look REALLY bad. The last thing we need are even MORE patriots on the terrorist watch list.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
i haven't heard of Obama in a long time(haven't watched news lately), did he do somethign bad?


|K3| Member
this is a really sketchy topic. I am surprised it hasnt blown up yet. Just wait til blu gets in here :p


The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
WaLLy ........ What are we going to do with you...

Blu is going to explode as soon as he sees this it's true.

And Cent, it hadn't occurred to me how little you folks may know back over in your neck of the woods.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Man, I can't believe this post is being allowed to stay with politics being a real heated discussion on forums, but since it has I'll input some of my info...

I don't "hate" Obama himself but I hate what him and his administration is doing to our country. For one he is completely against the Constitution, which is the "Commandments" this country was founded on. This law that Arizona has passed for Illegal Immigrants, they did this because our Fed Gov will do nothing to protect our borders, and now the stupid Gov is suing Arizona saying it's not "Constitutional", idiots in Washington.

Obama wants to grant 12 million Illegals there are here Amnesty, and it's all about votes, this will then give the Illegals the ability to vote Legally. The Health care plan he has passed, what a scam! Half of what is in the bill has nothing to do with health care. Financial Regulation is BS, taking control of 70% of the finances in the USA oh and, it also makes the SEC able to not report anything they do. So this means they can spy on your finances down to what you buy everyday and not have to report any of it for the Freedom of Information Act.

Raising the taxes on the rich and spreading the wealth, do you believe that crap!? History has proven time and time again that this DOES NOT WORK. What do you think will happen when top 1% of the richest in America gets taxed out the wazu, they will pack up all of their money and take it overseas where it is not being taxed like it is here, and that will lose billions if not trillions of dollars, and who do you think will pick the slack up in the end. It will be the middle class as in you and me, it's a recipe for disaster >:(

Oh man I could go on for hours about this, Obama is spending this country in to oblivion and it will cost our kids and grand kids decades to repay it back, assuming our economy doesn't collapse first. I have several reasons that have me convinced that they are purposely spending like this, so they can collapse the current system and rebuild it to what they want. I know Bush spent the bucks when he was in, but when Obama took office he floor boarded it, spending trillions of our dollars that we do not have, and I believe with all of this control through bills and the expansion of Government, him and his constituents are making this road to Socialism, before you know it your freedoms will be gone and you can then call us The United Socialist States of America!! >:(


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend



|K3| Member
dude, obama, like any other politician, has to deal with all the shit around him. Shit that goes on in congress, and funding from various corporations and his party in general. Obama wants to get certain things done, and there are many people who will not aid him indoing those things unless they also get what they want. So all these things that are included in health care bills that you are bitching about are most likely not what obama WANTED AT ALL. They are things that HAD to be included so that he could get the vote, and a lot of this shit is done in congress. People attach ridiculous things about taxation and a whole lot of red tape to these laws to benefit themselves. Obama has the best intentions for this country. When have you heard him say we need to spread the wealth around. Instead of listening to what uneducated people, and what is on the news, go look into it on the internet. Talk to a congressman and ask him direct questions about what is going on. News stations get paid by making political scandals which may be based heavily on fact, but are blown up and editorialized, in order to get you guys all riled up. Then you watch more and they get higher ratings and more ads get put on their time slot.


The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
haha about Obama HAVING to put crap in the health care bill to get it passed, everyone's going crazy about the crap now because it's taken them this long to read the thing! You know why? Because it's a thousand freaking pages long! It's the perfect bureaucratic BS smokescreen to use so you can sneak other things in. The people that voted didn't read nearly all of it, and the stuff that people are getting mad at, is the stuff that's been cleverly hidden in a little footnote or something. Like the gold tax, what the heck does that have to do with healthcare!?! No this isn't the stuff that Obama put in there to get the votes.

As for Obama himself, to see what he's about why don't you take a look at his education back when he was a community organizer in Chicago? His name was Saul Alinsky. Although Alinsky died before Obama came around, his methods were still being taught, and taught to Obama. It's interesting if you read Alinsky's book: "Rules for Radicals" you can see so many of Alinsky's tactics at work. This guy wasn't the most moral man in the world either. He dedicated his book to Satan believe it or not. He is recorded as saying one time when giving a group their first class for community organizers, he asked them why they were there. They answered with the usual BS that they wanted to make a difference bla bla bla. Alinsky interrupted them and said "No you came here because you want POWER!" Seriously that's what he said. The community organizing is cleverly named, but ultimately it's an organization to get power. See Obama got his from it. Mind you he is very skilled in these tactics. His instructor said that he was one of his best students. Anyway there's too much to talk about here, but I'm a little uneasy with having a guy in the White House who learned from that power hungry........gentleman.


|K3| Member
no this isnt stuff OBAMA put in,at least not all of it, its stuff representatives of CONGRESS put in, and members of obamas party. Do you seriously believe that he, or even his party and him alone, could pass a bill without everyone else who has a say taking time to add what they want to it? People who say "i will not support this bill unless <insert some other shit here> is also in it." It is so long because it was so controversial that so many people were able to pull weight and fill it with things unrelated to the health care bill itself. Thats what i meant and what i said

Almost ALL politicians want power. I am not saying that obama is an all around good guy. I am just refuting the things people say which really are baseless. If you want to argue that he is a bad person, do it with arguments that are concrete, real, and are backed by proof. Gut feelings about politicians are ok, and expected, BUT MARKET THEM AS GUT FEELINGS. Again, i dont know shit about obama specifically, but i do know that you cannot blame americas problems on one man. Even if he wanted to, he could not be responsible for everything going on in america today. There are weasels all through the government, and i assure you that obama has to deal with them MUCH more often than ANY of you.

When it comes down to it, the people of america are responsible for what happens in america. People spend way to much time letting bad things happen and then pointing fingers at whoever they can to take the responsibility off themselves. Now of course there are many things an individual does not have control over, but to sit back and make spend your time making sure you cant be blamed for any of the problems if not the right course of action. I dislike arguing about politics because in the end, we are arguing about things that we do not know enough about or put enough time into. Time we spend arguing should be spent getting things done. It is not impossible to take action in your local or even national government, you just need to spend time doing it. If you feel that you don't have enough time to do this, live your life, go to work, and relax as well, then don't whine. Almost everyone in american has the ability to take part.
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