Ebola only spreads when people are showing a certain stage of symptoms,so it can't spread by "carriers" until they start coughing all over people. It takes bodily fluids to transfer, so the reason it has spread in africa is because they are not educated or trained to deal with it properly,like quarrantine and protective gear.The main people that have brought it out of africa are the health workers that worked around it,this is what irked me,obviously they should have been checked more thoroughly being that they were working in and around infected people...duh. The reason the death toll is so high is because the families of the infected are just taking care of them in their homes and there's no real infrastructure in africa,sad...Travel from these countries should have been monitored waaaaay better..At least now the world is on alert..my nephew was checked for it even here when he had a fever a few weeks ago. But yeah ..someone is going to get rich off of this