

Member of the Year
|K3| Member
I'm sorry to contradict most of you, hygiene has absolutely nothing even in the spread of the Ebola virus, the virus if the home would be in florida would spread even faster because of modern transportation .
Humanity was born in Africa, and it is in Africa that humanity continues to Evolved
(Evolution in the biological sense)


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Ebola only spreads when people are showing a certain stage of symptoms,so it can't spread by "carriers" until they start coughing all over people. It takes bodily fluids to transfer, so the reason it has spread in africa is because they are not educated or trained to deal with it properly,like quarrantine and protective gear.The main people that have brought it out of africa are the health workers that worked around it,this is what irked me,obviously they should have been checked more thoroughly being that they were working in and around infected people...duh. The reason the death toll is so high is because the families of the infected are just taking care of them in their homes and there's no real infrastructure in africa,sad...Travel from these countries should have been monitored waaaaay better..At least now the world is on alert..my nephew was checked for it even here when he had a fever a few weeks ago. But yeah ..someone is going to get rich off of this :tf: :tinfoil:


Member of the Year
|K3| Member
Ebola only spreads when people are showing a certain stage of symptoms,so it can't spread by "carriers" until they start coughing all over people. It takes bodily fluids to transfer, so the reason it has spread in africa is because they are not educated or trained to deal with it properly,like quarrantine and protective gear.The main people that have brought it out of africa are the health workers that worked around it,this is what irked me,obviously they should have been checked more thoroughly being that they were working in and around infected people...duh. The reason the death toll is so high is because the families of the infected are just taking care of them in their homes and there's no real infrastructure in africa,sad...Travel from these countries should have been monitored waaaaay better..At least now the world is on alert..my nephew was checked for it even here when he had a fever a few weeks ago. But yeah ..someone is going to get rich off of this :tf: :tinfoil:
I agree with you, it is the lack of infrastructure and also as you said so well for societal reasons, africa people really live together.
nothing to do with hygiene
africa has always been a formidable matrix


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Why'd my comment a dislike?

Mine got a dislike too for some strange reason. I thought it brought up a pretty valid point. Many people in poor countries don't have access to those things, although i wasn't sure if that was a cause for getting the disease.


|K3| Member
Having the proper medical and containment infrastructure is absolutely vital to preventing the spread of the disease. Proper training and education is also vital.

Cultural norms also affect the viruses spread in Africa.

Different strands of ebola have different mortality rates in the same environments, too. At least it was that way when I did my term paper on it in highschool.

It's a complicated issue. However, I think it is safe to say that in places like the USA, there isn't a big chance of this turning into an epidemic.[DOUBLEPOST=1413402373][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I don't think simply washing your hands is going to prevent the spread of ebola.
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Private First Class
the scenario i see is this i am usually optimistic but at this moment i am not all it is going to take to skyrocket the infected numbers is for an adult to spread it to their child their child goes to school who infects maybe at most 2 other children those 2 will infect 2 each maybe even 1 of their parents their parents will go to work infecting 2 people at work and god forbid if they work around food that is all it will take to wipe out civilization as we know it, ebola was first found somwhere around the 30's i believe so its been around for quite a while with no cure i feel isolation is not enough or will not work because within the incubation period with little to no symptoms people will not know that they should isolate themselves before it is to late so i feel we have only 2 real options #1 vaccination or cure and #2 divine intervention, anyone who prays to any diety pray your buts off it may be our only chance to survive this


Slave to nothing.
|K3| Member
the scenario i see is this i am usually optimistic but at this moment i am not all it is going to take to skyrocket the infected numbers is for an adult to spread it to their child their child goes to school who infects maybe at most 2 other children those 2 will infect 2 each maybe even 1 of their parents their parents will go to work infecting 2 people at work and god forbid if they work around food that is all it will take to wipe out civilization as we know it, ebola was first found somwhere around the 30's i believe so its been around for quite a while with no cure i feel isolation is not enough or will not work because within the incubation period with little to no symptoms people will not know that they should isolate themselves before it is to late so i feel we have only 2 real options #1 vaccination or cure and #2 divine intervention, anyone who prays to any diety pray your buts off it may be our only chance to survive this


|K3| Member
well because the r0 of ebola is only 1-2 spread will die off in north america before it becomes a pandemic. It only spreads through direct body fluid contact so even a sneeze or a cough isnt guaranteed to infect someone, but washing your hands is definitely going to prevent spread, consider someone wipes their nose with their hand, doesnt wipe their hand then shakes your hand or touches something that you touch after them, ebola can survive in fluid for days and several hours on dry surface[
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