

K3's Caribbean dude
|K3| Moderator
|K3| Media Team
Has anyone else been experiencing massive lag? CI's? Last night playing on killhouse, I would get CI's that lasted atleast 3 secs, almost every min. At one point I ended up outside of the map during a CI. I dnt get ragey a lot. but that lag....I cant be the only one going thru this?


|K3| Member
It seems to be a server issue, or possibly a bug in the mod. It does not seem to matter what map it is.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Don't recall how long the CI happens but it's on every map near the beginning of the round. This is a mod bug. Other than that, I haven't experienced any CI.

I'd appreciate more info the next time it happens. Please check our banners and jot down how many players are on each server and post that info here. Again, the mod has a bug and you'll get CI near the round. Don't report this one. If you can, please record a demo.


|K3|Minecraft Admin
|K3| Executive

I'll say this for the 20th time... it's a bug in the mod lol. I don't think it bugs out with just one person, but it happens for sure with 2+.
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